35 Girlfriend Tag Questions to Know How Much She Knows You

The latest trend in the vlogging arena is tagging your boyfriend/girlfriend with some hilarious and other curious questions that they have got to answer truthfully, all in front of a camera!

The girl here has to answer immediately without a pause, whatever comes to her mind first. That way the vlogger will know the truth as it is.

Unlike many other lists of questions where you have to choose between two choices or perform a dare or say a truth, this is purely based on how well your girl knows you and your world.

Check out some crispy, sweet, and get to know questions that will only bring you closer to your partner below.

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Romantic and Not-so-romantic Tag Questions

1. Do you remember where we met?

This is probably the most important one for your girl, but if you value what you two have, it’s gonna be important for you too.

2. Who amongst the two of us said the L word first?

The wonderful word that takes the relationship to the next level, does she remember it? Or have you said it yet?

3. What is your favorite thing about when we’re together?

There have got to be a lot of reasons why they love spending time with you, and here’s how you can know what those are.

4. What would be a “perfect date” for me?

Ask her to find out how much she knows about your perfect date preferences.

5. What are the three things I’m best at?

There’s something that guys think they are the best at. What could it be in your girl’s eyes.

6. What is the one movie that always has me in “man” tears?

Guys are known to be tough creatures, but sometimes things move us, what is it?

7. What I’m most likely to spend my money on?

This one is just basic, she absolutely has to know this.

8. What are the things I prefer to spend my time on when I’m free?

Each guy has something they love doing in their free time, find out if she knows what it is.

9. Name one positive personality trait that you love about me.

You girl would have seen some things in you that she would’ve loved, ask her to name her fav!

10. What is the nickname that my friends have given me?

Every guy has a weird nickname from their buddies, does she know of it?

11. When did you first realize you like me?

When did she realize that this is it? Was it when you first kissed or had the first argument.

12. What was the last thing we argued upon?

You might forget this but not her!

Casual Girlfriend Tag Questions

Also Read: List Of Couple Tag Questions

13. If I could live anywhere in this world, what place would I pick?

She might have caught you talking about your dream destination, and now it’s time to find out.

15. Would you call me a morning person or an evening person?

You girl would surely have a say in this.

16. If given the choice between partying or hiking, what would I choose?

This is another way of asking if you like to hit the pub or just like to go out and enjoy nature.

17. If I won $10,000 in a lottery what would I do with it?

You girl would probably spend it all on shopping.

18. Where did we go for our first date?

This will have a special place in her heart.

19. One thing I am terrified of?

Your fear, apart from the wrath of your girlfriend, of course.

Social Life Girlfriend Tag Questions

20. Who is my one BFF?

This is a rather easy one, she doesn’t even have to try.

21. Who is the one person I ignore social media and my life?

This might be two different people or just one.

22. During an argument, who’s likely to say “sorry” first?

One that is a bit personal and a must-know for a long time girlfriend.

23. Who is likely to spend more time on Social Media?

Another way of asking who uses social media most of the time, you or her.

24. What song do we just love (our song)?

This could be anything from that one that was playing at the mall you met or a movie score you both went to for the first time ever.

25. What did you think of me when we first met?

A straightforward question, tag her.

About-you Tag Questions

Also Read: Interesting List of Best Friend Tag Questions

26. What would my weekend look like?

If she truly knows you, then she knows this one.

27. What song do I enjoy the most?

A song that you play over, and over and over again.

28. When or where did we first share a kiss?

The first kiss is a thing that all the women in this world would have marked in their heart’s calendar.

29. What is the one thing I do out of my habit?

You might not be aware of your unusual habits, but what about her.

30. If you wanted to change one thing about me, what is it?

Something like a weird behavior in public, maybe.

31. Do I like your galpals?

A neat way of telling her that you like them or not.

32. Which is my favorite dressing style?

The style that probably looks dorky on you, but you think is cool?

33. Which quality of mine has instantly repelled you from me in the past?

A blast from the past!

34. What are the things you like the most about me?

This question might strengthen your bond. An honest answer to this is the only way to go.

35. What is the one activity that I absolutely hate?

Every guy has that one activity, maybe a chore, or even exercising.

With that, we come to the end of our list. Maybe your girlfriend tries out on you, and you should be prepared for this; check out our article on boyfriend tag questions to get ready to face your girlfriend with ease.

If you want to continue this loads of fun and want to know your relationship better, then try out the relationship tag questions in which you both have to answer a romantic list of tag questions.

Let us know if you liked these girlfriend tag questions down below in the comments and reaction sections.

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