List Of 30 Relationship Tag Questions To Know Your Partner Better

There must be a few questions which you want to ask your partner but you just can't. A relationship grows as you start knowing more about your partner. Relationship tag questions like a fun way to know your beloved closely and ask even some strange questions you never thought you could ask. You can test your boyfriend or your cute girlfriend with our interesting list of boyfriend tag questions & girlfriend tag questions and can share your experience on social media to show your friends about your relationship deepness.


The rule in relationship tag questions is you have to answer the questions together with your lover. You can do it anytime such in your dates, public outings, chatting over the internet or even when you are meant to spend quality time together at home. Here are 30 vivid relationship tag questions to have fun like never before.



Good Questions



1. What do you like and hate the most in your partner?

You can always improve on the things your partner hates about you. 


2. How long can you kiss romantically before your hands run over your partner's body?

Depends on experience or how fresh the interaction is!


3. What have you learned from our relationship?

It is important to grow as a person through your relationship, and if you are not, then you are in it just for the sake of being in it. 


4. How important is a relationship in your life?

This is really deep, and this could reveal the inner thoughts and how your relationship will take shape in future. 


5. If we were to break up in future, how long do you think our relationship would last? 

You got to be honest with this, and the answer needs some post-mortem to make your relationship smoother. 


6. Have you cried over your ex?

The truth shall be spoken. 


7. How many times have you had sex in life?

What an achievement if you have lost the count already!


8. How important is look in a relationship?

This can make you insecure if your beloved's answer does not match with yours. 


9. What have you learned from our relationship?

It is important to grow as a person through your relationship, and if you are not, then you are in it just for the sake of being in it. 


10. Say something romantic about me right now that will make me blush?

Testing the presence of mind will put your beloved on the spot. 


Interesting Questions



11. Do you prefer live-in or marriage and why?

This is quite important for your relationship to flourish in future. 


12. How important do you think sex is in our a relationship?

It reveals whether your beloved is romantic or horny.

13. If someone is obsessed with you but has average look, would you give him/her a chance?

It depends on the partner how he/she will take your answer especially if you have a good look and you get easily swayed. 


14. Would you love to make out with someone who falls in your relatives category?

This may sound weird, but we all have deep secrets!


15. How far can you go will making out in public?

Lose yourself at the moment or save the best for the bed. 


16. What is the kinkiest adult scene you love in in a movie that you wish you could do in real life?

Maybe someday, you can actually fulfill his fantasy.


17. What words do you have for your ex-partners?

It could be nice or nasty.


18. Do you think you would fall in love with someone through internet chatting?

You need to watch out his online activities if the answer is affirmative.


19. If you were to have a threesome with your partner, who would be the ideal third person?

Dirtiest secrets will be unveiled.


20. Describe your perfect love making an idea. 

You can save it for your honeymoon or wedding night. 


Hypothetical Questions


21. Would you rather get dumped in front of your siblings or your friends?

The answer will determine the future in case things go wrong!


22. Which would you like more – sleep with a celebrity or an adult star?

If your partner chooses an adult star, it means he/she prefers better performance in bed than anything else.


23. If a person agrees for a one-night stand(two-hour limitation), would you rather take him/her straight to bed or have a dinner first?

This is a test of character and preference. 


24. Would you rather get caught cheating your partner or catch your partner cheating? 

This is a deep question and therefore, you need to think before you speak. 


25. If you have to choose to stay forever between your soulmate and friends, what would you choose?

It determines the depth of your relationship. If your partner hesitates in choosing you, it means your relationship is yet to grow to greater heights. 

26. What would your prefer – rich and alone or poor and beloved?

It depends on what your life goals are and how love can influence that. 


27. How would you react with your partner gets AIDS?

You have to be honest with your answer. 


28. How would you react with your partner starts talking to ex-partners?

Insecurity, jealousy, and conviction are put to the test. 


29. Would you rather marry a loyal person of the same gender or a disloyal beautiful person of opposite gender?

If your partner chooses the later, there he hates being gay!


30. Would you rather be poor and have a rich partner or be rich and have a poor partner?

Remember, there is no other option available. 


These relationship questions are applicable in whatever stage of the relationship you are to know your partner's thought process and personal preferences deeply.

It will eventually help you to enhance your relationship and most importantly, have a great time together. You should also check the couple tag questions to build a better relationship in your relationship by knowing each other in a better way.



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