13 Shocking Things Banned In Schools Around The World!

A school is a place full of rules. But the only thing we always hate about school is the set of strict rules. While rules are necessary to make students obedient, some schools around the world take it too far to stop the school days to be the best days of students.

Even though the rules are meant to be getting casual with time, some of them turned too strange. Starting from banning on hugging, having best friends to wearing yoga pants and even birthday invitations, the rules in schools around the world are beyond your imagination. 



1. Hugging 



An elementary school in Northampton has a rule that students cannot hug each other in the school even if it is hugging students of the same gender. Well, it is totally against social skills and the parents of the kids have objected against the rule. 


2. Leggings



A high school in Massachusetts has banned girls from wearing leggings or yoga pants on the ground as it is inappropriate and distract people around. It is not considered appropriate dress code in the professional field. 


3. Backpacks



Some schools in America have made a rule that students cannot bring backpacks in their classroom or campus. It is not because it causes back or spinal problems but because it is due to the fact that students can bring weapons in it. 


4. Acronyms



Some schools in South Yorkshire have banned students from using acronyms like LOL, Cheers, Hiya and likewise. It is considered unprofessional and against proper norms of learning English. 


5. Red Inks



A school in Britain has banned students and teachers from using Red Ink because red ink is believed to be upsetting and depressing. They cannot use it to grade students exam paper. 


6. UGG Boots



Some American schools have banned UGG boots because students can carry cell phones in the classroom and take that out in the class to chat around. 


7. Talking To Boys



Most of the Catholic schools have forbidden girls to talk to boys when they are wearing their school uniform. It is considered disrespectful for the school uniform. 


8. Shiny Shoes



In some schools, girls cannot wear shiny shoes if they are wearing skirts because of the reflective property, a lot of secret things can be revealed for boys to get distracted. 


9. Best Friend



A school in London has forbidden students from having best friends because they believe it causes deep depression when their best friends break up with them. 


10. Father's Day Card



Some Scottish schools have banned father's day cards because it hurts the feeling of those children who live with their mom only. The logic is good but if the same logic is followed a lot of things has to be banned soon. 


11. Fidget Spinner



Several schools across the world have banned bringing spinners in schools because it can hurt eyes and causes fights and betting among students. 


12. Birthday Invitation



A British school has forbidden students from sending invitations to the birthday party because things do get messy among students especially when parents are not around. 


13. Pokemon Cards



Some schools across the world have put a ban on bringing Pokemon cards in school because it leads to fights among students and the violence turns fatal at times. 


If your school has or had some of such weird rules and bans, do mention them in the comment section.




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