Hilarious Restaurants Names That Only Genius Could Think Of!

While some people prefer to visit their favorite restaurants most of the time, there are many who want to try out the new cuisine in new restaurants. There are certain restaurants that have come up with such creative yet unoriginal names that you have to watch twice before you can understand what exactly they mean. Check out such restaurant names from across the world.

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Thai Tanic –

Almost all of us must have seen the movie ‘Titanic’. Well, the restaurant owner must be a hardcore fan of the movie and literally took the name of the movie to the next level.

Steak Jobs –

This is a fast food junction whereby you can eat steak, pasta, and pizza. The steaks are special because it seems like the twin brother of Steve Jobs is making it in the restaurant.

N2U –

The restaurants are awesome places to meet your date for the first time. This restaurant took the concept to a notch up by naming it creatively that can attract the attention of the couples who love meats.

Second Wife Restaurant –

This has to be the marriage-breaker restaurant as they are promoting extra-marital affair and second marriage. How do they come up with such hilarious names?

Jackie Chen Fan –

There is no doubt that the owner of the Chinese restaurant is a big fan of Jackie Chen. So much so that even the taglines are inspired by his moves of taking out the trash.

Hungry Nerd –

There is no doubt that the name is inspired by Angry Bird. Well, it is tailor-made for students in schools and colleges.

Amma Mess –

Not sure whether they are giving out the secret that they always make a mess with the food items. Anyways, the call is up to you whether you want to dive into the mess or not.

Rong Restaurant –

If ‘mess’ was not a self-confession, this restaurant’s name is surely pointing you out that it is going to be wrong for you to go into the restaurant.

Bad Sushi –

How many times do the owners of the restaurants have to give you a disclaimer through the names of the restaurants to warn you about the food quality you can expect.

Soon Fatt –

This restaurant is giving you a prediction of what could happen if you happen to eat in the restaurant quite often. If you are too slim and want to put on some weight, go ahead.

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