New Fashion Trends Are Actually Harming Our Body! Here Is How!

Keeping up with the latest trends in the fashion world is a must for women. There are many ridiculous things women have to wear just to follow the trend even when it means that they are uncomfortable with it. Take, for example, the super high heels or the skinny jeans, who wants to wear them if given a chance? The followings are some of the ways the modern fashion trends are affecting our body.

Also Read: Common Fitness Ideas That Are Hugely Harming Your Health

High Heels Shoes


The higher the heels are, the better it is considered from the fashion perspective. They are uncomfortable and at times, painful. But women are ready to put them on anyway to get attention. The skeletal therapists have ensured that standing on high heels for hours will put strains on our joints and muscles. This is due to lack of proper and even distribution of weight.

Poor-Fitting Bras –

The women love to try out different types of bras but they pay no attention to proper fitting and getting comfortable underneath. Due to lack of proper fitting, the backache is common. The stopping of the breast is also frequently seen and it can also get disfigured. It can disturb your natural body posture.

Huge Handbags –

There is a modern fashion of carrying huge handbags as the cover of the handbags can show off different designs. But bigger the size, the more will be the pressure on your shoulder. In fact, it leads to slating and disfigured posture with time which will bad for health. Therefore, take a handbag that you need not the one that you want to show off because the celebs are doing it.

Skinny Jeans –

Tight fitting jeans are horrible to wear even though they attract the attention of the people as your curves look better in them. Moreover, wearing proper fitting jeans is considered to be old-fashioned. But skinny jeans restrict your movement and affect your posture. The joints are put under heavy strain and the ligaments also suffer.

Shapewear –

Shapewear is those garments that women wear to get the desired shape of their body such that anyone looking at them appreciates their shape. You can hide your belly, make your shape curvy, protrude the bums and upper curves and likewise. But most of them cause heartburn and put pressure on our organs.

Tight Belts –

There is a widespread trend of wearing tight belts. Not just in men, it is mostly seen in women and it leads to heartburns and at times, difficulty in breathing. It does not matter how cool you might look, you should never harm your body and health for outward appearance.

Also Read: Modern Fashion Styles Of Men That Girls Absolutely Hate!

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