7 Futuristic Inventions That Can Make Your Head Spin

Innovation is the only thing real in the life of the researchers. There are keeping on inventing new things every day and some are meant to solve some problems, others are meant to make life pleasant. However, in between these two types, there are some that are absolutely futuristic in functionalities. We have listed some of those futuristic inventions that will blow your mind.

Also Read: 17 Weird yet Brilliant Inventions of the world-It ain’t Stupid if it Works list!

A Washable Phone

We have seen waterproof phones but yet to see a washable phone. Well, dust and dirt accumulate on the back and front side of the phone. Moreover, the front screen and the back mirror design get stale without proper maintenance. Therefore, you will be able to wash your phone and make it new.

Smart Toothbrush

There are many smart devices available like a smartwatch, smart light, smart voice assistant, and whatnot. But now it is time for a smart toothbrush that can brush your teeth in just 3 seconds. No wonders why people will buy this product because everyone hates brushing for long.

Extra Thumb

There were days when people with no thumb used to get prostheses thumb. But now even when people have all the finger, there is a way to increase them and get an additional thumb. Well, it will make our hand more functional.

Mind Reader

This device can analysis the breathing pattern and determine the mood a person is or the state of his mind. It will then suggest ways to be more focused and relaxed. There is no doubt that just like a fitness band, it is going to sell like hotcakes.

Scrubba Wash Bag

This is a highly useful product whereby you can put your dirty clothes it and pour water and washing powder and you need to massage the bag manually to wash those clothes clean. When you are traveling, this is going to be your mini washing machine.

Virtual Reality Device

The virtual reality is the future and keeps that in mind, this device is what people need to explore the world of VR. One can use this device to watch movies, listening to music and play games in a completely immersive environment like never before.

The Smart Mirror –

Here is another smart device and it is almost a necessity. A smart mirror is where you can try out different clothes on you digitally and then opt for them from the store. Therefore, you do not have to waste time in choosing the right dress and the right color for you anymore.

Also Read: 10 Most Weird Phones that are Ever Made

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