Check Out These 6 Fun Festive Ideas Friends and Family Will Love

With Christmas just around the corner and everyone in a mad rush to finish off their preparations, we can forget what this time is truly all about – spending time together with loved ones. 

While falling asleep in front of a re-run of the same films that are on television every year sounds fun, wouldn’t it be a shame not to make the most of the time we have together?

Turn the festive fun up to the max with six of our favorite ideas to get the party rocking!


1. Karaoke 

After dinner and your aunt has had a little too much bubbly, this is the perfect time to pull out the karaoke machine! Granted, it is probably a good job that Santa has already been and gone by this point because Rudolph daren’t go anywhere near the sounds being bellowed out, but who cares?

There is no better time than Christmas for a singalong, so get your favorite tunes – festive or otherwise – playing!



Games are big at this time of year and there is nothing like a good old-fashioned quiz to set the pulses racing. Split the teams young and old, girls vs boys or however you please for the right to be crowned this year’s champion.

Why not spread the message by posting quiz posters ahead of the big day and invite your friends over, too. Make sure that the quiz master isn’t easily won over by underhanded tricks, though!


3. Make Your Own Decorations

While this may be an idea more aimed at a younger audience, that is not to say that we adults cannot get stuck in, too! Children will jump at the opportunity to make a mess and let their creative sides lose. Not only will this give them something to do before the big day, the end result will be personalized keepsakes that you can keep and re-use year after year, serving as a memento of years’ gone by.

Encourage kids to make their own star to place on the tree, a mini Santa that can watch over the living room or anything that pops into their heads. 


4. Christmas Jumper Contest

Who can wear the best/worst Christmas jumper this year? Each year, shops stock jumpers ranging from the sublime to the downright ridiculous – and that’s just the good ones. 

Why not have a bit of fun and encourage friends and family (or co-workers) to wear the silliest jumper possible and give out prizes for the best/worst? You can even put a modern spin on proceedings, and post pictures of everyone in their jumpers to social media and encourage your followers to vote for their favorite!


5. Secret Santa

This is a great idea for a number of reasons. Not only does this keep you guessing who got whom, but this can really help to keep costs down to a minimum, especially if you have something of a large social circle. Rather than spending out loads on lots of small gifts for everyone, pick a name out of a hat and buy one meaningful present.

Depending on how well you know that person, this could be either the easiest or hardest present you have to buy. Try not to give away you pulled out; otherwise, it will be called Not So Secret Santa!


6. Get Baking

Many families take the opportunity at Christmas to bake together, with young children getting involved in the kitchen to help make all sorts of sugary treats! Cookies are a favorite as they are relatively simple to make, and always seem to taste better homemade!

Encourage some healthy competition and see who can bake the best batch of cookies, letting everyone else vote for their favorite. We are sure that it won’t take long for all of the cookies to be eaten, no matter how good they are!

Whatever you do this Christmas, make sure to have a wonderful time and cherish the moments with all of your friends and family, even if you do spend it snoozing on the sofa.




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