12 Best Prank Ideas You Can Play On Your Boyfriend To Troll Him

There are different ways to strengthen your bond in a relationship. One of the easiest ways is by making fun and having a gala time where both the partners are equally involved. Who does not like to make a proper fool of her boyfriend when they are alone? Playing pranks on your boyfriend can make your relationship healthy and most importantly, you can have the extreme fun time together.

It is better to play a prank on your partner than someone else to make it awkward. You can prank your boyfriend or husband to take counter his past pranks and just to show the funny side hidden inside you so that your partner likes you more and your relationship can grow stronger. Here are some of the best prank ideas you should try out on your boyfriend.



1. Powdered Donut Prank



It is always good to start with a light-hearted prank. The next time you meet your boyfriend, take a few donuts and instead of sugar powder, use body powder or flour and let your boyfriend eat that shit. His reaction after the first bite would be priceless. Do not let him consume the powder as it could be harmful. 


2. I Am Pregnant Prank



This is the prank that will scare the shit out of him. A few days after a make out session, you should inform him that you are pregnant and you can use a colored pregnancy kit to prove it. To make it realistic, you should inform him beforehand that you are having some unusual symptoms.


3. Make Him Jealous Prank



It is very easy to make your boyfriend jealous by praising the qualities of any of his friend or someone both of you know. You should mention all the qualities and material possessions that your boyfriend lack to make it sound that you are completely into that person. 


4. I Am Lesbian Prank



This could be a nightmare for your boyfriend when you would say that you love your best girlfriend more than your boyfriend. You can make it kinky by saying that you have made out on several occasions. You can also prepare a dirty chat with your best friend to make the case more strong and show the same to your boyfriend to make him believe in your claim. 


5. I Don't Want To Kiss/Make Out You Prank



The next thing your boyfriend approaches to kiss you, stop him and say that you don't want to kiss him. You can say that his breath stinks, he is a bad kisser, and you have kissed many boys, but he is the most awful. He is clumsy, dirty and knows no art of seduction and turning on your mood. You can further amp up by saying how good the boyfriends of your friends are. 


6. I Am Going To Commit Suicide Prank



If you have fought with your boyfriend recently, you can capitalize it. If you can find a photo of him with another girl from the past, you can use the same to say that he is cheating on you and you are going to commit suicide and blame him in the suicide note. You can also say that your ex-boyfriend has leaked your photos or chats. But make sure you reveal that it is a prank before he too does something stupid. 

7. Lip Job Prank



All you have to do is take a bottle and suck in all the air and keep it stuck over your lips reason for quite a few minutes unless your lips turn really big. Do not worry as they will get normal after some time. You should take a video and send it to your boyfriend saying you got a lip job and your lips have become more kissable. In reality, you would look like a monkey. 


8. Try Threesome Prank



You should confess seriously that you are thinking of having a threesome where you and your boyfriend will be with another guy. You need to say that you always fantasized about it and that he won't regret it at all. You should also propose some names regarding who could be the third person. It would piss him as he would think you have a crush on the third person. 


9. I Am Breaking Up WIth You Prank



You can say that you always liked your ex-boyfriend more than him and your ex is single and realized that he made a mistake. Now, he wants to get back in your life. So, you are breaking up with your present boyfriend and say all the stuff that your ex-boyfriend has that makes him more compatible and better partner. 

10. I Am Having My Period Prank



When you are together, you can pretend to go to the bathroom and use colors on your legs and come out to say that you are having your period. He will get dead nervous seeing your legs in blood, and you should blame him for such a situation or ask him to help you out. When he approaches you, you can smear the blood/color on his cloth and skin. 


11. Toothpaste Oreo Prank



What could be more disgusting than eating toothpaste? Everyone loves to eat cream biscuits and especially oreo, and you need to replace that cream with toothpaste. It will certainly freak him out. 


12. Death Prank



When you are in his house, send him out to fetch some food or stuff and in the meanwhile, make a pool of blood(fake blood or colors) over your body in the bathroom preferably, and when he comes out, the hell will break loose on him.


Do let us know how many of them did you pull off completely? If you have such fantastic ideas, do share in the comment section. Boys, don't you worry. You can also take revenge with some of these funny pranks.



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