Things To Consider While Going For A Long Distance Relationship!

The most happening place for the first love is the college. However, in a college, the boys and girls come from different part of the state. Even though, in the beginning, the new lovebirds can be together, but, in the end, the couple parts away and the greatest test of love and trust comes in.

Once the couple goes out of the college and starts a long-distance relationship, there are going to be a lot of issues to address and the usual worry of cheating and finally, breaking up comes to the mind. Therefore, there are a few things you have to consider before agreeing to go for a peaceful long-distance relationship.

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If It Is Doable?

The first thing to address is whether the relationship is doable and whether it has some future. Video calling is cool for a short while but it is always the physical presence that matters the most in any love relationship. Therefore, see if it is possible to meet at least once or twice a month at a commonplace. Otherwise, the bond will break and the future togetherness will also be fading with time.

Consistent Communication?

At the end of the college, both of you will be in contact via smartphones. However, as one or both of you get busy in life like further study or especially jobs, the communication will not be consistent. Moreover, if you find an alternative boy or girl who is gossipy and giving your attention and you are somewhat attracted to him//her, you will ignore your long distance partner for sure. If you want to maintain a long distance relationship wholeheartedly, there should be consistent communication however boring it may be at times.

Can You Trust Your Partner?

The long-distance relationship is totally based on trust and commitment. If you had trust issues with your partner in the past when you were together physically, then a long-distance relationship is going to be painful as your partner is likely to cheat on you when he/she gets an option to. Even though boys are the ones who cheat most of the time, but the flirty nature of the girlfriend can make them insecure and start searching for an alternative. Therefore, absolute trust is required.

Ok With Socialising?

In LDR, the partners are super critical of their partners when they socialize. This is because they think that the absence of physical touch and the eternal crave for physical pleasure in men and women at their age will drive them to get someone desirable and satisfy their bodily needs. However, if you have complete trust on your partner, both of you should be ok with socializing. Yet, you need to be careful not to post over-friendly photos with someone of the opposite gender and talk about someone like that to your partner all the time.

The best way to be in a long-distance relationship is to video call every night, giving your partner what he or she demands in the video, meeting up on alternate weekends to satisfy the physical needs and most importantly, creating a bond beforehand that no one will break no matter what. The communication should be peaceful and fun all the time with no agitation and no hard interrogation of suspects.

Also Read: 8 Logical Reasons Why Kissing Is Important In A Relationship?

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