11 Things That Girls Look For While Choosing A Boyfriend


How to woo a girl? Ain't this question a pain in the *heart*, a never-solved mystery, a well-disguised secret? It is, and believe me, you may search for more than 9 lives and you won't find the perfect answer. Why? Because there isn't one! Each girl is different, to the extent that a sure-shot, tried and tested formula may just be a complete turn off for the one you truly desire. Such are girls! So, why not help you a bit?


You may have read thousands of stuff but this list ain't gonna talk about the usual loving and caring and understanding and looks and cliche, though they matter. What I am listing down are things that all the girls would fall for, of course, with intelligent improvisations as per the situation's demand. Here go 11 things that girls look for while choosing a boyfriend:





1. Personality


Gone are the days when girls look for 3 things: "Good looks. Good looks. And, good looks." Aha, today's girls get wooed by personality over looks. Example? Sexiness-personified uniform guys. Men with intimidating vocabulary. Hot guitar players. Get the idea?





2. Modesty


In the cut-throat world that exists today, modesty and kindness are qualities a girl can seriously fall for. Personal advice: some of us get to know if you do it only in front of us or in general. Better to start the practice in everyday life (safe side).





3. Cheap Thrills


Oh yeah, make your date have loads of fun and she is in for some more! Not to worry, it totally doesn't mean that you need to sell your kidneys. Make her enjoy the small stuff: singing 70s songs at the top of your voices, having Golgappe together, little games etc etc.





4. Balance Between Pampering And Pampered


Girls love to get pampered, everyone knows that! But something that you lot don't know is that girls love the feeling of pampering too. So, no everyday coochie, rather allow her to charm you at times as well! Oh, don't forget to sprinkle a little praise; she'll louu it!





5. Finance?


Well, this is an embarrassing truth but every girl, materialistically or psychologically, does give a bit value to the *umm* cash, *ahem* bank balance, if not a lot. Thankfully, the trend of respect/preference towards women managing job as well as home makes up. Okay, teeny bit?





6. Protective v/s Possessive


There is a difference between being protective and being possessive and most of the girls love the guys who know that. I say most; unfortunately, some girls develop a habit of having possessive boyfriends as a (wrong) sense of protection, the latter of which actually alone being required.





7. Acceptance


Of course, it's on the lines of "nobody is perfect"! So, no point fighting about it. Girls rather love to be told of their flaws, but by a gentleman in a patient and good-for-you manner. Again, if it doesn't help, you gotta accept, just know that she is accepting some too.





8. Motivation


Girls love the guys who they can easily talk to or who can motivate them to talk about their bothersome stuff. But, do keep a check to not overdo it. Just give her some time; talk about other things, tell her your life stories and then ask her, she'll feel comforted if still doesn't tell. Again, give her time.





9. Humor Me!


Oh my! Girls love the guys who can make them laugh. The chilled-out atmosphere, the little giggles after a long day, the reason to smile, your girl is gonna love you for making her laugh. The catch is to realize what kind of humor works on her. Customize!





10. Compliments, With A Little Truth


Ah, how a girl loves compliments! I don't need to tell you how you should go about complimenting her. But what's interesting is that most of us like to know suggestions/recommendations too, especially from the other sex. Subtly suggest some improvisations and she might just get intimated.





11. Careful Physical Contact


You strictly want to avoid awkward physical contact; once done, might not be forgivable at all. But, it doesn't mean girls don't like physical contact. Be cute! Little hugs (tight as she wants, not you), holding hand lightly while crossing the road, y'know? If there's a spark, go for a forehead kiss, she'll love it!





Now you know what girls look for while choosing a boyfriend?! But again, every girl is different, so keep your mind open and alert for prompt improvisations. Hope you enjoyed reading. Cheers!





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