11 Mistakes Made By Men That Can Ruin Your Honeymoon!


The honeymoon is one of the most awaited phases of life that every man and woman crave for after their maturity.  It is the phase of getting close to your better half both mentally and physically and strengthening relationship bond.

A honeymoon needs to be planned well else it could be the most disappointing event of your life. Here are the common mistakes men make in the honeymoon that completely piss off women. Avoid these mistakes and you can not only impress but also win her heart instantly. 



1. Weather Condition


Since most of the couples go to unknown honeymoon destinations, you could completely misjudge the weather condition and visit the place in wrong timings. A bad weather can play spoilsport and hence, you should make sure that you are visiting the destination during the right season when the weather is awesome. 


2. Multiple Destinations


Some couples plan a long honeymoon and naturally, it means that they will visit multiple destinations. If the destinations are far apart, the tiredness of journey will make your honeymoon stale. Before, it is better to choose one destination with many sightseeing and spend money in booking better rooms and restaurants for romantic happenings. 


3. Adventure and Sightseeing



The honeymoon is meant for spending quality time together. But if you make it all about adventure and sightseeing, you are naturally going to piss your wife and make her tired of other romantic activities. Instead, book a romantic honeymoon suite, booking restaurant with private rooms and tables to make every moment memorable. 


4. Choosing Crowded Places



This is a rookie mistake all men make while choosing the honeymoon destination. Since you are going to be chilling out in public places, choosing a crowded place will attract unwanted attention. Therefore, choose a place that is slightly uncommon and away from the hustle bustle of crowds. It must be an exotic, peaceful, and soul touching destination.


5. Office Works



Do not let your office work take even a second away from your honeymoon time. You should not be taking professional calls, lessen texting and call to friends and keep social media away. Spending time with gadgets will piss off your wife because it is meant to be a personal time between two souls with no distraction. 


6. Imposing Decisions



A honeymoon is when you need to treat your wife well and you should not impose decisions and wishes on her. Rather, let her plan and take decisions so that she can find the comfort level and open up easily. You should keep your ego and superiority under full check. 


7. Forced Love



Since there is a taboo that you must have physical intimacy with your wife, do not be desperate to do it forcefully when she is not in the mood. You need to understand your woman and do things with her consent and as per your willingness. The honeymoon is not the last time you will get the opportunity to get physically close to her. Let everything develop naturally. 


8. Laziness



Since honeymoon is a necessary break for your mind and body from regular work, you are naturally going to be lazy and feel like spending all day sleeping in your bed. Your lack of enthusiasm can affect your woman and the entire honeymoon period could well become just another trip. 


9. Tight Schedule



Take time to plan your honeymoon so that you have enough time. Do not hurry and arrange it for a couple days as if it looks for a forced activity. Go for shopping and take all items as applicable for honeymoon and make it completely smooth. 

10. Over-Planning 



If you plan too much for your honeymoon destination and activities to do there, it will not be memorable and look like scripted. Do the necessary planning and leave to rest to instantaneous mutual decisions.


11. Praise Others



The last thing you would want to do in your honeymoon to look at other couples and praise other girls. Instead, compliment your wife and help her to look beautiful and make her comfortable with you. Furthermore, you should not criticize her and talk politely. 


Keep your honeymoon memorable exactly the way you had imagined your entire life by taking care of the common mistakes. 




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