List of First Date Makeup Tips to Make it Special


A first date comes with mixed feelings—excitement for meeting someone new, yet anxiety from being unsure of what to wear and how to carry yourself. All the same, you can make a great first impression by putting on makeup and dressing well. Your date can be someone you have never met face-to-face, having met on one of the dating sites like, which connects people for romance and dating. Thus, it’s important to ensure that your date feels like the person they’re meeting face-to-face is the same one they interacted with online.

Below are some tips that may be helpful while you are doing makeup for your first date:

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Prepare your face before applying makeup

For a polished look, you must first prepare your face before using any makeup, the same way a canvas is prepped before creating a piece of art. You need to wash your face with a mild cleanser and be careful not to irritate your skin. Then rinse your face with some cold water to minimize the appearance of your pores. The final step is to moisturize your skin, especially if you have dry or combination skin.

Go beyond the face

Most people associate the word “makeup” with the face, but it means much more than that, or else you will be restricting your beauty arsenal to just your face. You can create a complete look when you apply makeup other than on your face. You may need to do something about your neck and bust area. Do you have any imperfections in those areas, like acne? You can use concealer to neutralize or reduce these bumps to almost nothing. A translucent powder may also come in handy to give your whole body a uniform look. You may also use a bronzer to create some curves and shadows where you had none before.

Do away with greasiness on your skin

Going out on a date, especially a first one, with your skin shining due to oil can be a turn-off. This is most common with oily and combination skins. You can creatively make use of oil blotting papers on the affected areas, both before and after applying the makeup. If a blotting paper is not available, a coffee filter can serve the same purpose.

Do not overdo your make up

Since you want your makeup to enhance your features, do not be tempted to overdo it. Avoid, for instance, applying a myriad of colors, like a red lipstick paired with black eyeliner on light skin. The idea is to improve your best features and to do it inconspicuously.

Do touch-ups discreetly

You should do any necessary touch-up in the privacy of the restroom or away from your date. Otherwise, touching up in front of your date may give the impression of an unnatural appearance, or that you are trying too hard to impress.

With a great smile, high spirits, and confidence in the way you look, you can feel at ease on your first date.

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