Check Out The Hottest Sports Referees In The World!

When we think of any sports referee, you assume that it can only be males. But those monopoly days are gone and these days, there are female referees everywhere. Starting from football to basketball, there are attractive females referees at every sports event. When they are women, you know that some of them will be at the center of all the attention. Their beauty and hotness quotients make some fans concentrate on them more than the actual game. Here are the hottest female referees you need to watch out on the internet.

Prolotine Velichkova

She is undoubted the hottest and the cutest female referee and you would question what is she doing as a referee when she should have been an actress or a model. She is a snooker referee and she came to limelight during Bulgaria Open Tournament in 2012. No wonders why some fans will buy tickets just to watch her standing and refereeing.

Aurelia Sara Bollier

She is the referee of Switzerland Amateur League of football. If you see some of her photos with seductive poses, you are surely going to lose your head. She is just one hell of a gorgeous girl.

Desisalava Bozhilove

Looks like Bulgarian Snooker referees are going to melt the heart of the fans of Snookers all over the world. You can see her hotness quotient oozing out of her figure and no one will ever dare to miss the matches. SHe is truly a crowd puller more than the players.

Brigitte Tyler

She is from New Zealand and if you happen to watch Rugby matches, chances are you might have been stunned by her youth and radiant face. You can check out her off the field photos to blow your mind to the infinity.

Elena Tambini

She is a multi-talented personality from Italy. She does modeling and you can tell that from her photos and figure. Elena is a part-time football referee and judges many Junior league matches. She is also a sports reporter. No wonders why channels are ready to give her more watch time.

Lauren Holtkamp

She is the strongest female referee which can be concluded not just because of her ripped figure but because she referees basketball matches. Basketball matches in NBA league are very physical and she withstands all of that like a pro.

Fernanda Colombo Uliana

She is a Brazilian football referee and what more can you say about Brazilian girls, they are the hottest in the world. She is an assistant referee and you can spot her as on the sideline. No wonders why she is the most searched personality in Brazil.


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