15 Weirdest But Unique Houses That Are Simply Out Of The World!

All of us have the complete idea how our dream luxurious house should look like. But there are only a few who dream of building absolutely unique houses and do everything to turn their weird dream into reality.

Can you even imagine a house in the crazy shape of a soccer ball, toilet, airplane, shoe, or even a stadium? Probably never yet some people are constructed such weird and unique houses that you have to see to believe. 



1. The Flintstone House, California


If you dream of living under the rocks just like the way our ancient ancestors used to, you can replicate with old-school house design having one bedroom and two bathrooms. 


2. The Seashell House, Mexico



If you want to live in the heaven on earth, you got to build your dream house exactly the same. It is not only stunning from the exterior view, but the inside is equally amazing. It is designed with mosaic wall and rainbow colors. 


3. Airplane House, Mississippi



Only if you have been in the airline services for too long, you will create something like this to live in. The fun fact is the house is made up of an airplane which has been converted into this masterpiece.


4. Shoe House, Pennsylvania



It has become an attraction for the tourists in Pennsylvania, and maybe that is why the house owner built it like that to get some extra bucks. 


5. Mushroom House, New York



This house was initially designed and built by the famous architect Terry Brown. His 35 students who were instrumental in its construction added all the creepy extra designs on it to make it look so weird. 


6. The Stone House, Portugal



This is a perfect combination of the ancient and the modern world. It is a private property, and the owner has to put fencing to avoid unwanted attention even though he knew it would attract tourists.


7. Rotterdam Cubic House, Netherlands



It is a true masterpiece in the architectural world. The rooms are available for a cozy stay, and the view from the inside is simply heavenly. There are three floor and pyramid-shaped rooms.


8. Habitat 67, Canada



There are 354 identical blocks arranged and combined to make the house up to 12 floors. There are a total of 146 rooms of varying sizes. This is a perfect example of what human beings can do. 


9. The Biomorphic House, Israel



This looks like the house you saw in the movie Ironman, and there is no exaggeration in saying that it is everyone's dream house. This futuristic house is built by French architect Ephraim Henry Pavie.

10. The Toilet House, Korea



You may not realize but it is exactly in the shape of a toilet, and it is generally used to host exhibition and concert. 



11. The Cabin, Sweden



If you are tired of living on the ground, you can elevate your house to such height and get ample supply of fresh air. It is a perfect treehouse situated in a remote village.


12. Rocky House, Serbia



If you prefer to live in the middle of the deep water, you may as well build your house on the sole rock in the running river. 


13. Upside-Down House, Germany



The house literally stands on its roof, and the construction is perfect to practice skateboard inside the house due to the slope on the base floor.


14. Vertiginous Cliff House, China



If you prefer living on the edge and risking your life to enjoy amazing views of nature, this one is the perfect place for you. 


15. The Glass House, Japan



If you are own a glass manufacturing company or hate the walls of your house preventing you from getting beautiful outside views, you may as well construct a house full of glass walls. At least make the walls of the bathroom non-transparent. 


How weird will your dream house look like in your wild imagination? do share them in comments.



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