Some Crazy Amazing Technologies That Are Waiting For Us In Future!

We are always interested to know what is there in our future. The same cannot be applied in life. However, we can predict what the future holds as far as the technologies and its amazing gadgets waiting for us. The technologies are almost ready and the products are on the way. Let us check them out and get excited about our future.

Also Read: List of 11 Weirdest Gadgets Launched This Year By Famous Brands

The Flying Car –

Japan is already producing flying cars in mass so that they become affordable. By 2020, it is going to be the normal taxi in Japan and the traffic jam is likely to be reduced to the minimal.

Special Gloves –

There are special gloves designed that will let the blind people see the work of art. It uses the virtual reality by creating 3D models and it can change lives for blind people forever. They imagine the shape of the objects perfectly.

Selfie Drones –

In the future, people are going to have drones to take selfie photos and even videos. It is going to replace the selfie sticks as we know it. The angles will be better and you can take epic selfies like never before.


Video Game Lounges –

Sitting at the lounges in the airport is comfortable but boring. However, the airline companies are pulling all the strings to turn the lunges into video game playing lounges so that it is more entertaining and productive for customers.


3D Food –

There are 3d printers available that can print a 3D pizza perfectly. It is sure to change the lives of the wives and one can also make cakes, cookies, and pancakes. Talking about 3D prints, in the next few years, you will get to see houses made with 3D printers and they are already in use.

Drone Delivery –

Forget about dealing with the delivery boys, with prepaid payment products, the e-commerce companies are gearing up to send products using drones. Soon, we will see drones all around us which could be annoying for many.

Clothes For All Seasons –

The scientists have developed certain clothes both in terms of materials and design such that the clothes can be put on in all seasons and there will be special provisions to adjust with all temperature. This is really innovative and demanding.

Slow Dance Gadget –

The slow dance gadget is a frame that makes things move in slow motion. It is becoming a favorite to decorate the interior of the home and its popularity is spreading with that of fidget spinner.

Also Read: 17 Weird yet Brilliant Inventions of the world-It ain’t Stupid if it Works list!

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