17 Best Joker Quotes That Might Intimidated Batman Too


It’s not often that a villain is celebrated but when one does, you know that he has justified the character as deeply as it could be done. Some villains are as epic as their superhero counterparts, thanks to the beauty and novelty of the fiction created and it indeed is true that a real devil of a villain actually makes the beholder adore their favorite superhero all the more. Talking of super villains, who hits your mind first? A lot of minds would say “Joker”, I am sure, and thus, here are 17 Curious Joker Quotes that might have intimidated Batman too!

Also Read: This Giant List Of Batman Quotes Is Gonna Make Your Day

Check Out the Best Joker Quotes Here

1. To Hell With Rules

The world is so senseless that it would be better if there are no rules to oblige by, says Joker. True, maybe not?

2. Monster Or Not?

Joker – a monster, a psychopath, a sociopath, all of them or none – you decide!

3. One Bad Day

This famous Joker Quote can give anyone the goosebumps and chills of the “One Bad Day”!

4. Power Of Realization

Realization is good but this kind of realization is so darn scary! *shivers*

5. Nothing To Lose

They say that people who have nothing to lose are the most dangerous. Example much?

6. Why Smile?

So, careful! If somebody passes you a smile tomorrow, you know it can’t be good for sure. #SadistAlert

7. For The Heck Of It!

Joker simply enjoys playing with Batman, humans, life and totality in general and this is one mere analogy.

8. Madness = Gravity?

Oh yes, madness is equaled to gravity indeed and Joker well explains how.

9. When You’re Good!

Everyone has a specific talent or more; Joker perhaps is right in advising to not to do it for free!

10. Little Tricks

Joker believes in the little tricks that make a massive impact. Probably inspired from the “Butterfly Effect”.

11. When Someone Hates

One would want to sort out the matter with the other or ignore it altogether. Joker though has other plans for people with hatred.

12. Calm Down, Everyone!

This Joker Quote is as famous as the truth behind it, i.e. a lot!

13. Who Apologizes?

This quote is a perfect satire of the society. Nobody is born a particular way but he is made so by the society.

14. Ridicule!

Another Joker quote, full of irony around how people in general are. Good till they can afford to be!

15. “Let’s Put A Smile On That Face”

“Let’s Put A Smile On That Face!” It’s crazy, it’s famous and it’s one of Joker’s signature.

16. Batman Did Wrong?

With words like these, Joker can easily manipulate anyone! Thankfully, not Batman, not apparently at least.

17. Why So Serious?

“WHY SO SERIOUS?” Does this need any intro? Oh nope!

How do you like/dislike the Joker Quotes? Do put down your comments and let us know your thoughts on the same. Hope you enjoyed reading. Cheers!

Also Read: 13 Wolf of Wall Street Quotes to get you Fired Up for Life!

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