Annoying Habits of Indian Husbands That Make Their Wives Mad

The rate of divorce is increasing in Indian society. It is the same society that used to brag about one man staying with one woman happily for a year. Therefore, there is a need for introspection and the reasons are not far-fetching. It is generally the lack of cooperation and not always the lack of intimacy that is the reason for the break up of marriages in India. Here are the things that Indian husbands do that agitate their wives.

Discussing Everything With His Mother

In our typical Indian society, we very often find that most of the husband share everything with their mother that ranges from small things to the big ones. A mother gets every report and day to day activity. Most of the wife finds it really strange that their husband shares most of the things with their mothers. Talking to their mother for hours in phone calls and sharing them minute activity of daily life.

Helping Without Informing

Financial help to a brother is common. Most of the wives find it strange as a husband already has a lot of responsibility towards their children and wife. Education is an important factor for the future of children for which a proper saving is very important. In this regards, a wife is very strict and it becomes a big problem for her if it comes to the daily affair.

Partying Like A Bachelor

Usually, most of the husbands have the habit of behaving like a bachelor especially when he meets his friends in the party or other social events. This type of behavior irritates their wives as they keep on waiting for their husband at home. Not responding to the calls of their wives is another big problem that creates tension on the mind of their wives.

Bringing Up Old Issues

Taking out old issues whenever there’s a fight between and wife is common between married couples. A wife finds its heartbreaking when her husband picks up old issues and argue with his wife and turns the topic on his favor. Such behavior of husband annoys their wives a lot.

Taking Her For Granted

Some of the wives complain their husband of making plans without even consulting them and thinking their wives to be less important for discussing such plans. Husbands take their wives for granted and most of the wives have serious problems in this regard.

Checking Phone Secretly

Doubting their wives and checking their phone every now and then is a big issue that turns out to be heartbreaking for the wives. Usually, wives want to have some personal space and don’t want to share their personal stuff by sharing their phone with their husband. Some husbands have such habit of checking their wives phone not necessarily under suspicion or doubt.




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