9 Bizarre Women You Won’t Believe Exist In the World !


The world is a bag of full mysteries that gets discovered with the passage of time. Among all the mysterious, human beings stand out tall because human beings can do anything and everything they make their mind up to do. Today, we are going to look at those 9 bizarre women in the world that are very awkward and social in their own ways. It is their weird look and nature that made them world famous.



1. Living Barbie Doll




Valeria Lukyanova is correctly called the Living Barbie Doll. Starting for her flawless overly fair skin, her blue eyes to her long and thin limbs and slim figure make her a copy of those barbie dolls that girls play with. 




2. Baby Bump Forever




Well, you cannot call her a woman with three bosoms just because she has a part of it on her belly which looks more than a baby bump and when stranger see her, they think that she is pregnant. But it is a natural bump she has since her childhood.




3. Shortest Woman On Planet




She is from India and she has her name written in the Guinness Record World Book and her height is 2 feet. She weighs merely 6 kilos. 




4. Merged Twin Sisters




They are separated in the upper part of the body with independent hands and bodies but their lower body part is completely merged and thus, they have to do everything together.




5. Woman High Biggest Chest




She is the woman with the biggest chest in the world and she gets to endorse many food products due to her abnormality on which she takes pride. Well, she is tailor-made for those men who look for women with large bosom. 




6. Fattest Woman In The World




Even after being the fattest woman, she wants to break her record every day by eating more fatty food. It is due to her body shape that she gets to endorse oily foods and earn huge money.




7. Woman With Biggest Arse



She possesses the biggest butt in the world among men and woman. Even though it looks odd with her figure, she is proud to be labeled as such and hold on to her record till her last breath.




8. The Most-Tattooed Woman




It is said that 95% of her body is covered with tattoos of different types and designs. The other 5% is her head and private parts. She is an international celebrity for the same reason.




9. Woman With Three Bosoms



Though it is debatable whether the third one is artificially done or not, but she holds the record of being the first girl with three bosoms.




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