Parents v/s Technology: 9 Annoying Things that Parents do to Kill You!


The advent of smartphones and the ease to use them has taken its toll in the lives of our parents. Suddenly, there are all-so-curious about knowing the new apps, making accounts on social media and what not. In their generation, having a Facebook account has become the new “cool”. But, the approach towards coolness becomes quite annoying for us at times, don’t you agree? Here is a list of their cool and our annoying things that parents and relatives do in the tech-savvy world.



1. Facebook Account


Remember that day when you got a friend request on Facebook from your Mom? Yeah, thanks to your sibling who taught her so, you had to proofread the whole of your account before accepting the request, only to tell your friends not to tag you in pictures anymore. *sigh*






2. Social Media Curiosity


Okay, Facebook was somehow managed and you moved onto other social media. But as soon as you got over that shock, you hear your parents asking about Twitter and Instagram and you can only go “NOOOOOOOO”, in your head. Curiosity may not kill a cat, but can certainly kill our privacy and sanity!






3. Whatsapp Group


Oh God, the one-year-old of the family to the grandmothers using mobiles, everyone, literally everyone is in that “Family-smiley-smiley” group on Whatsapp. And look how enthusiastic and religious they all are to interact with each other, through jokes, pictures, and videos. Family bonds, you know!






4. Candy Crush


The ever-green and ever-sweet love of Candy Crush just never dies, does it! And it may actually be great, keep busy in your Candy Crush and let us peacefully use Snapchat. But, if only they didn’t have the feature of sending Candy Crush Requests for the greed of extra lives, all the time!







5. The Explorers


Now now, they are all pro at using basic stuff on social media. Now, they want to move ahead. Now, they want to upload pictures, share articles, update status and use all the features. Because, why not? Sure. If only we could be spared of the ten thousand questions about each feature and they were dedicated enough to figure that out on their own too.






6. Real Life Discussions


I think one of the most annoying habits of all is to make the virtual world discussions enter your real life. Did you see my DP? Did you like it? I wrote a comment on Mr. Verma’s post, come see! Today, I got a friend request from Mr. Sharma, I declined, haha! You get the point.





7. “Kewl” Language


Well, we used to use the “kewl” language too but it’s like we can’t get over our sins! With parents talking to each other with “ur ol9” and “thnk u”, it just brings back the memories of using button phones, which were probably the reason for the invention of this language. Of course, for them, it’s new and cool, so let’s “tok lyk dat”!






8. Youtube-ing


Using youtube is probably the least annoying thing that they do because it keeps them busy. But, it becomes quite irritating when your internet is sucky, you want to watch something or do some work, and you find out that your Mom is watching some old TV serial or your Dad is watching a random Fauji-movie. Beauty!






9. How to Download?


If you don’t relate to this point, I couldn’t be more glad for and jealous of you. Man, they shouldn’t have made it to that party!

Some uncle: “Arey, you can download anything from the internet.”

Us at home: “What do you want? I’ll download it for you.”

Them: “No, you tell us how to download.” “Come again!” “Come again!” “One more time, please.”





Agreed, these are things that we also learned from each other and irritated lots of our friends over it. But then, the annoyance goes to another level when you have to explain “technical” stuff to your parents and relatives and I guess you will consent with me on this. Anyway, if you have any funny or annoying tech-plus-parents story, then you can relate that to this article! Cheers!

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