OMG! This Hottest Pakistani Pilot Is Breaking The Internet


2016 saw the rise of internet sensations which started with a Pakistani Chaiwala with blue eyes going viral on social media when a photographer shared his photos. He became an international sensation and now he is a supermodel in Pakistan. Following that Chinese spice seller also went viral. Now it is time for a Pakistani pilot who has gone viral on social media just a few days ago and she was trending on popular social media when she shared her selfies. 



1. Her name is Huma Liaqat and it won't be wrong to call her the International crush because her selfies are already one of the most shared photos of 2017.






2. She works for Airbus in Pakistan International Airlines and a few days ago, she shared a few photos with the head pilot in the cockpit and a few selfies from the gates of the airlines.






3. This is not the first time she shared her photo on her social media account but this time her beautiful photos somehow reached a few social media influencers who shared them with their millions of followers and it spread like wildfire.






4. Some are already calling her the hottest lady pilot in the world and the photos are really something that you are bound to fall in love with. 






5. She looks angelic in the photos and people could only associate such beauty with air hostesses but this tie it turned out to be a lady pilot and that is exactly where the surprise lie. 






7. She is really enjoying her fame for her beauty and she has expressed her joy on social media saying that she hopes it last forever. Some of her photos have also received some heated comments where some jealous guys and girls are claiming that it is due to camera angle and heavy makeup that are making her look so extraordinary.






8. On the brighter side, though, people around the world are happy to have a heavy crush on her and they just cannot wait to get more of her. It is simply great to observe that due to social media, any person can become a celebrity overnight. 






Also Read: Meet World's Hottest Maths Teacher who is Trending on the Internet






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