7 Ways To Be Close To Your Partner Without Getting Physical

There are so many different ways to be close to your partner other than the usual way of getting physical. In fact, the true meaning of love goes beyond the skin and physical pleasure. There is a bond that needs to be appreciated and the unspoken promise of keeping each other happy. If you are tired of getting physical or you are getting started in a relationship, the following is the list of ways to be close to your partner without really getting touchy.

A Romantic Dinner

The idea of cooking your partner’s favorite food at home rather than going to big restaurants is a good one. To wear good clothes and play some touching music and switching the lights off creates a beautiful situation for both of the lovers. After finishing off the dinner, romantic dance in a soulful song turns to be the icing on the cake. This is going to be the memorable night for both the lovers.

Relaxing Massage

A relaxing massage both on the back and the foot is one of the greatest ideas for increasing the affection towards each other. This massage allows your partner to relax efficiently and arouses a beautiful feeling towards your partner. There are many massage technique available on the internet. Applying some oil and massaging is the best technique.

Cute Texts

This is one of the options for those who are not convenient in a conventional way of letter writing. In today’s world cell phone is part of our daily life and sending a series of long texts to your partner allows them to feel special. By letting they know each and every feeling of yours throughout the day and night is the special technique.

Old-Fashioned Letter

This is one of the antique techniques of expressing and massaging about ones feeling towards the other. This is an old one but still occupies a unique value among most of the lovers. Expressing your feeling in the letter is always the special one and allows you, partner or lover, to feel special by knowing the feeling of other this way.

Starting Out Again

In case of both the partners dating for a long span of time than it better to go to a place where they met on their first date and ordering the same foodstuff of their first date allows them reminding of their first date and arouse a bit shy feeling between both of them.

Doing Favorite Activity

There are many activities of a person that they like immensely to do it. First of all its better to understand the regular activity of your partner and doing the same stuff or repeating such activity allows you, partner, to feel a sense of belongingness towards your partner.


Practice Gratitude

This is something that allows you to build a better and stronger relationship. This helps in enhancing the foundation of your relationship. It is important to find the reason to express gratitude before sleeping. This ranges from a variety of activities such as helping in household works and washing clothes.

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