9 Unique Gift Ideas For Parents’ 25th Wedding Anniversary


A silver Anniversary is a festivity as rare as happening only once in a lifetime and you want it to be a day to remember for your parents! Marriages come and go these days, but only the lucky ones get to celebrate their 25th anniversary. So, if it's your parents', not only is it the party time for them but also is for you. Might not you want to be doing something special on this day? The little touch of "kids" love can seriously make their day and no other gift can compete to that. But the problem is 'how on earth do I make it different and special', isn't it? What to do? What to gift? What to make? What? Viraltalks comes to your rescue here, bringing in these amazing gift ideas for your parents' 25th anniversary. Check 'em out!



1. Helium Balloons with Pictures


Something just lovely? You want to try this: Collect around 25-50 (how many ever needed) pictures of your parents or get them printed. The idea is to get Helium filled Balloons and hang one photo to each balloon with a ribbon or thread. Not only does this look pretty but also, the customized pictures part is gonna be *huge smiles*!



2. Pet


If your parents are not totally against pets, getting them one would be a great idea for their 25th and especially if you are not living with your parents. Dogs are obviously the preferable recommendation here but you may go for birds, rabbits, cats etc. too, as per the member, you think your parents would like being in the house.



3. Holiday


Who doesn't love a Holiday! A relaxing trip with nobody to disturb and spending time with the life partner could just be the perfect present for your parents' special Anniversary. If you are working or have access to the money needed, plan a trip for your parents. You may adjust the excursion prior/post anniversary date too.



4. Recreating Moments


Each family has its own signature! It would be amazing to prepare a small video/presentation inclusive of the little things that you only do with family – some song which is always funny for you all, some dialogue used a lot by any of your family members, some habit that you always point out and alike. Recreating those moments would be plain sweet!



5. Wedding Video/Photos


Take out that wedding album of your parents that probably hasn't been touched in years! It would be some nice family time to go through them together. You should watch the wedding CD/Video together too. The real fun of it would be realized if you watch it before or on a special day. Old photos in a new customized album might be a good gift idea as well.



6. Dinner For Two


Okay, it is not a new idea at all but classy doesn't need new! Dinner for two is an evergreen gift idea for your parents and when it's their silver, go for something special. Maybe try to find a new place for them or you can go for their favorite place but with a booked and decorated table. Common idea, but not so common improvisations can make it a hit!



7. Plants


Plants are perceived as very positive in nature, bringing in good energy to the home. Getting plants or getting terrace or balcony garden made could be a real unique idea for your parents' 25th, something they would not be expecting at all. Plants are very peaceful to simply look at and trust me, they would enjoy their "quality time" with the little green babies.



8. Little Things For Him


Occasions like a silver anniversary are not all about the big, expensive gifting. Rather, the little things that you can do would make their day. Simply go talk to your Dad, that's what he has been seeking for the longest time! Also, try doing some things that he always asks for, which obviously is different for everyone. Figure it out!



9. Little Things For Her


Ah, your nagging Mom! But it's the day to benefit from it. Follow some things that would shock your Mom – wake up on time, make breakfast, eat breakfast, take a bath, get a haircut, shave the beard, wear clean clothes, talk to her, praise her, you know? She is gonna be happy throughout the day and days to come. Happy 25th, Momma!



How do you like the gift ideas for your parents' 25th anniversary? We have also an article mentioning about the 50th wedding anniversary gift ideas. Do put down your comments and let us know your ideas around the same. Hope you enjoyed reading. Cheers!



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