List of 10 Most Extreme Deserts In The World: Dare To Go?

Summer is coming, and we all are already scared of the immense heat that there is going to be! Now, imagine the harshness of the scorching sun, making lands dry and skin burn. The Most Extreme Deserts in the World are so hard to travel, it would be impossible to even think about going to one!

But, experience as it is, it would also be one heck of a trip to survive in such harsh conditions. So, if you are ready for the ride, here are 10 Most Extreme Deserts in the World.



Check Out Most Extreme Deserts in the World


1. Atacama Desert


The Atacama Desert is the first unlucky one as it receives peanuts of raindrops in a year, 1 mm annually. It is situated between the Andes and the Chilean Coast Range in Northern Chile. It has the mountain ranges of over 6500 meters but sadly, there are no glaciers, no water.



2. Namib Desert


Situating in Africa along the coast of Namibia, Namib Desert covers an area of approximately 81,000 km. and has the world's tallest sand dunes of 1,000 feet approximately. Not even receiving 10 mm of annual rainfall, this ever-barren land has survived to be the world's oldest.



3. Aralkum Desert


Aralkam Desert is the youngest desert of the world, lying between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. It was the result of a 10% decrease in the size of Aral Sea, the world's fourth-largest saline water body covering the area of 68,000 sq km, due to irrigation projects by the Soviet Union since 1960s.



4. Uyuni Desert


The amazing "Salar De Uyuni" is the world's largest salt desert, containing 10 billion tons salt, and is rich in half of world's lithium reserves. The curious fact about it is that it started being in existence when an inland sea, Lake Minchin dried up leaving a vast area of land: 10,582 sq km.



5. Sahara Desert


The Sahara Desert is the world's largest desert being spread in 9,000,000 sq km area of land. It covers almost the entire Northern Africa, which includes 11 African countries like Egypt and Morocco. Sahara has recorded the world’s highest temperature 57.8 degrees Celsius in 1922 in its Libyan Desert.



6. Carcross Desert


The Carcross Desert is the world’s smallest desert, existing in the area of mere 1 sq mile near to Yukon, Canada. It might sound like an easy one as the area is loaded with humidity but that’s a facade. Actually, it is an extremely dry desert with an annual rainfall of less than 50 cm.



7. Arabian Desert


The second largest desert of the world, Arabian Desert stretches for 2 million kilometers, covering the whole of the Arabian Peninsula. The large and continuous chunks of sand in Arabian’s Rub'al-Khali is one the largest in the world and it is also blessed with being one of the sunniest lands on earth, receiving 3,400 hours of sunlight in a year.



8. Taklamakan Desert


China’s largest desert, Taklamakan Desert is situated between two mountain ranges: Tien Shan and Kunlun. Exclusively though, it is more popular for the 508 feet deep Turpan Depression with 102 degrees F average temperature, which is also at the second place in being the lowest spots on Earth.



9. Loot Desert


The Loot Desert or Dasht-e-Loot is the hottest place on the earth, recording a shocking 159 degrees Fahrenheit of temperature in 2005. It was initially a big salt lake that dried up to become the 25th largest desert in the world and in today’s date, it covers 200 miles of the area till the lowest part of Iran.



10. Death Valley


Lying in the Eastern California, the Death Valley is a desert spreading 3.3 million acres across the land and is the hottest, lowest and driest region in the entire North America. Thank the extremely high temperatures of this desert for its curious name. Beware, it is literally a Death Valley to have recorded in July 1913 the jaw-dropping 134 degrees F.



Dare to visit any of these extreme and harsh places? Do put down your comments and let us know your thoughts around the Most Extreme Deserts of the World. Hope you enjoyed the article. Cheers!




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