Top 7 Crimes Possible Only Due To Internet

Internet is the new playground for crimes. There are so many different types of crimes being committed every day. It is pushing the victims to go into depression, leaving them instant poor, and pushing them to take their lives. Here are the top new crimes possible only due to internet.

Hate Speech

A hate speech is raised by individuals intentionally against some particular communities. By taking advantage of social media platforms and free speech rights, some hate groups are trying to spread hatred related to intolerance, racism, and fear. However, it is ironically true that internet providers let the ISIS or Neo-Nazi spread morally-wrong messages to the mass to spread riots. In this perspective, Baron-Cohen said that “Freedom of speech is not freedom of reach.” So, social media should control the racism, anti-Semites, child-abusing or misogynist activities from their platforms.



Social media often face cases like child-abusing contents and extortion based on adult videos. The Law enforcement investigators have found out that the organized gangs behind these crimes often target their victims overseas. The soft targets of these sextortion cases are mostly young people in chat rooms and capture explicit pictures or videos. However, the preparators of these organized crimes seem to be threatening to the victims and their closed people. They generally demand a huge amount of money or sexual favors in return for victims’ sensitive or private material.



Bullying is always destroying and now with the progress of social media, it becomes a major point of concern. Most of the young or adolescent people are the main victims of online bullying. According to Pew Research, almost 59% of American teens face online harassment or bullying. The consequences of this crime lead teenagers to sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression, self-harm, and even suicide. The victims mention that they are generally bullied for their physical appearance, gender, disability, sexual orientation, race or religion.



People like use nowadays leaving our sensitive data unknowingly to social media and other platforms. Ironically, you have to leave behind your personally identifying information, such as dox or documents. In social media platforms, business sites, networked databases, blogs, forums and more, people need to put their photos, real names, phone numbers, addresses. This is the way your data becomes vulnerable and easily accessible to anonymous users. Nevertheless, doxing is not illegal. In the results of doxing, people can face harassment, violence, blackmail and other wicked schemes.



A breakthrough study shows that social media rapidly share information while fake news or hoaxes travel faster than real incidents. However, the researchers state that the news on Twitter goes 6 times more viral faster than accurate reporting. The researchers further add that false statements are more alluring than real facts.


Mass Surveillance

It is a pity that the government keeps tracking the personal and private data of the mass. The government explains this action as a medium to put a stop to the crime. But, ironically, they are having access to commoners’ emails, messaging, phone calls, financial transactions and more.



DDoS is the full form of distributed denial of service. The process involves awesome websites with hijacked traffic and makes them temporarily unavailable. The purpose of this service is to demand a ransom from the owners to put a spot on this process. This DDoS has its main targets on banks, government agencies, NGOs, activist groups and more.

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