11 Most Exciting Routes That Will Make Your Journey Memorable

When we are going to our vacation places, we tend to miss out the excitement of the journey on the road even though it is an integral part of the entire vacation. There are various thrilling routes that we travel by that we are not generally aware of which can light up and make it unforgettable.

Who does not want to go through the roller coast rides of some of the weird and somewhat bizarre and dangerous routes around the world to reach a specific vacation place? Here are some of the most exciting routes around the world to make your entire vacation memorable for the lifetime. 



1. The Death Railway

Location – Thailand



From the name you can conclude how thrilling a journey on that train can be. Your heart will be pumping as the train takes turns and this track was built during World War II. It also passes through dense forest and steep hills. Thousands of people died during the construction of this bridge.


2. Guoliang Tunnel Road

Location – China



It is a mountain road with 16 feet height and 13 feet wide and it is highly steep. A bus or car ride on this route with the sightseeing could be memorable. But a single mistake can take away lives. 


3. Saba Airport

Location – Netherlands



The reason why any takeoff and touchdown could be completely crazy is that it has the shortest runway which is only 400 meters. A simple mistake from the pilots can claim lives. 


4. The Maeklong Railway

Location – Thailand



You might have had different types of experiences travelling on train especially due to its routes but this one literally travels through a locality with dense population and the shops are at a touching distance. If the train is running slow, you may as well buy some food for yourself from the shops. 


5. Kabul-Jalalabad Road

Location – Afghanistan



This road has been awarded the title 'the most dangerous road in the world' and it totally justifies the title. It runs through the Taliban territory and the road is quite narrow and there are sharp turns.


6. Princess Juliana International Airport

Location – Saint Martin



The airport sees the landing of some of the biggest plans in the world in spite of that the landing is breathtaking. It almost feels like the plan is going to crash on the beach and it is truly a memorable experience for those on the beach as well as for the passengers. 


7. The James W. Dalton Highway

Location – Alaska



This is a 414-mile long road which is like never-ending route and the weather is unforgiving. You have to survive harsh cold winds, snow-covered routes and the chances of your vehicle break down are high. 


8. Tren a las Nubes

Location – Argentina



This is one hell of a train ride as it is situated nearly 4000 meters above the sea level and it is not a straightforward way. It is rather curved and a view from the window of the compartment can make your heart skip a beat.


9. Antarctica Airport

Location – Antarctica



If you want to have the best and scariest moment of your life, you can go for a trip to Antarctica. There is no paved runway for airplanes to touch down smoothly. Furthermore, the weight of the plan can crack the ice sheets. You can also get stuck in the snowfield. The possibilities are limitless for a thrilling experience. 


10. Vitim River Bridge

Location – Siberia



It is a 6-feet wide bridge on the river and there is no railing or fences. The length of the bridge is 570 meters and it is made up of decaying wood plans. A bike ride on this could be nerve-wracking. In addition, there are metallic bumps in between. 


11. Bangladesh Railways

Location – Bangladesh



There are certain railways stations in Bangladesh that get so much crowded during various occasions that you will get run for your life. If you ride on them. If you want to put your life on the line, sit on the rooftop and create the most memorable adventurous moment of your entire life. 


If you have gone through such dramatic routes across the world, do mention them down. 



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