17 Most Beautiful Tree Tunnels In the World One Should Visit

What is a Tree Tunnel? It is a tunnel is a lane having trees on both the side that form a tunnel-like shape with a continuous canopy. You must have come across them in botanical gardens and green parks. But do you know that there are some tree tunnels where you can drive through? The most magnificent and romantic tree tunnels are the ones made with flowering trees with light splitting through the gaps on the branches. 

A romantic walk through such a magical lane with your partner can be sensational and the best memory you will ever have. It is due to their scenic beautiful that they have featured in several movies like True Detective, Django Unchained or even popular TV series Games Of Thrones. Some of them have become marriage sites, tourist spots, lovers' points and even holy spots for seeking Heavenly blessing.

Here are the 17 most beautiful tree tunnels you need to walk through once in your life. 



Check Out These Tree Tunnels In The World


1. Tunnel Of Love

Location – KlevanUkraine



This is an insanely romantic place. It is also a railway tunnel where the goods trains pass by thrice a day. Over the years, it has become a popular spot for pre-wedding photo shoots. Even couples come here for post-engagement snaps. It is one of the most favorited places on Pinterest.


2. Wisteria Tunnel 

Location – Kitakyushu, Japan



This is a landmark of Japan. It is a man-made tree tunnel where cylindrical lattice has been used, and several colored Wisteria trees were planted to form the canopy. The best time to visit this place is April and May when the popular cherry blossom tree festival organized and different colors of Wisteria blossom. 


3. Jacarandas Walk 

Location – Johannesburg, South Africa


There are over 49 spices of Jacaranda trees present throughout this lane. It is situated in Johannesburg which has the largest man-made forest. There are over 70 thousand trees in this purple-blue tree tunnel. 


4. The Dark Hedges

Location – County AntrimIreland


This place has been painted by several renowned painters. You must have noticed it in the popular Game Of Thrones episodes. The place is haunted by a lady spirit at dusk yet it is one of the most photographed and favorite tourist spots in the world. 


5. Bamboo Path

Location – ArashiyamaJapan


Thi sis a 500-meter long path and a beautiful sound can be heard when the wind blows through the place. This place is insanely cool even during hot summers. It has the most beautiful collection of bamboo trees across the world. 


6. Cherry Blossom Tunnel 

Location – Bonn, Germany


Spring is the best time to visit this place when the cherry trees fully blossom. It lasts for a maximum of two weeks when the place sees the outpour of tourists from around the globe. You can drive through this place with your car. 


7. Central Park

Location – New York, United States


This is popularly called as The Mall because it provides you the same joy as visiting a shopping mall. It runs long enough for you to talk a morning or evening walk with a book in hand. It is different in a different season, and it turns completely white in Winter with frost and brownish-yellow during Spring


8. Oak Alley Plantation 

Country – Louisiana, United States


This is the most favorite shooting spot for Hollywood movies. Movies like Django Unchained, Primary colors and even Beyonce's music video Deja Vu was shot here.


9. Rua Goncalo de Carvalho

Location – Porto Alegre, Brazil 



It is the popular green tree tunnel of Brazil with over 100 Rosewood trees. This place has been declared a heritage site of Brazil and these trees act like air coolers and help to maintain a cool temperature across the region. 


10. Ginkgo Tree Tunnel

Location – Tokyo, Japan



During Hiroshima bombing, only six trees of this place survived while the rest of the city was wiped out. Those trees are still alive, and it is considered as a highly sacred place and has over 65,000 Ginkgo trees now. 


11. Milton Avenue Tree Tunnel

Location –  Milton Avenue, Zimbabwe


This is a perfect place to take a stroll with your bicycle and Autumn is the best time to do so when the Jacarandas trees blossom fully.


12.  Nakameguro Canal

Location – Nakameguro, Japan 



You cannot walk through the amazingly beautiful place as it is a canal. But the pleasure of your eyes and the joy of your mind will be at their peak. Early April is the best time to visit it when the cherry blossoms. 

13. Ashdown Forest

Location – West Sussex, England



This place used to come as a wallpaper in the old version of Windows operating system. It has been existing for thousands of years now and a perfect place for couples to walk hand in hand.

14. Sena De Luna

Location – Province of León, Spain


This is situated in a village with only 450 and more than the canopy, there are multi-colored small leafy plants on the ground that make walking a once in a lifetime achievement. 


15. Gormanston

Location – County Meath, Ireland


It is situated quite close of River Delvin, and there are actually two tunnels running side by side. There are several species of trees present which have grown naturally, and the colorful combination attracts tourists any time of the year

16. Point Reyes 

Location – California, United States



This is a perfect setting for horror movies, and the movie 'Interview With A Vampire' was shot here. It can be really scary to walk through this place during dusk gray bark of trees looking at you.


17. Yew Tree Tunnel

Location – Vermont, United States



A few trees were planted here by the Dyer family in the 18th century, and ever since then, this tunnel of trees have formed naturally. The trees are so intermingled that no one knows how many trees are actually there. 

If you are tired of visiting the usual seas, mountains, and monuments in different parts of the world, you better plan to visit these magnificent tree tunnel with your life partner and spend the best time of your life. These are literally the shortcuts to the Heaven. 



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