5 Things To Keep A Check On Your First Date

The first impression is the last impression and therefore, the first date needs to be perfect. At least, you should not do anything dumb. Most of the people go through articles and videos on the internet to avoid mistakes. Only if your first date goes as per plan, you will get a second chance from your date. There are a few things you have to avoid not to make a negative impression by any chance. Keep the following things in mind and act accordingly.

Do Not Watch The Price –

It is a date night and you cannot afford to order items from the menu card based on the price. Do not mention this is cheap or this is expensive. Give liberty to your date to pick the items and if she hesitates, do it cooperatively in choosing the dishes. It is better if you check the menu card of the restaurant in advance on the internet.

Moreover, do not pay in cash but in cards as it looks better. You do not have to check the prices and only put your PIN. If you are splitting for some reasons, you pay the full and take whatever she is offering without counting.

Treat The Waiter Well –

How you treat a guy is what determines your character. Your date knows that you will be super nice to your date but how you treat other people around and in this case the waiter, it will be noticed. Be polite and be friendly and if it is getting late in serving, be polite and do not shout or get angry even if you want to.

Do Not Force Things –

You cannot afford to be dominant in your first date neither can you be submissive. You have to showcase your personality that is loveable and charming. There are a lot of desperate people who force physical things and it can be really awkward. Do not force anything and not ask do this and that. If she does not show body language that she is open to physical activity like holding hands or even a kiss, do not do it. Even if she turns down the request to leave her at home, do not do it but always ask it.

Keep A Check On An Alcohol –

If drinking alcohol is in your plan in the restaurant, keep a check. You may overthink as you are nervous, but never do it. Similarly, just because the food is tasty, do not overeat. There is always a scope for a second date in the same restaurant. You know that things can happen when you eat too much or do too much. Not only will it leave a bad impression, things can get messy.

Say No To Misogyny –

Misogyny is the last thing you can do on your first date to make it a nightmare. You cannot describe your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend as bad and start criticizing them constantly. Similarly, you cannot check out other attractive girls and guys in the restaurant you are holding your first date. Also, do not say like you are not like others and stuff like that.

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