Low Carb Diet Before and After – All You Need TO Know

Are you tired of hearing everyone telling you to go on a low carbohydrate diet to get rid of obesity? You will always hear that celebrities are on a low-carb and high protein diet to get a perfect figure. Even your gym instructor or personal trainer will recommend the same. To be more specific, a low-carb diet is meant to cut down the total calorie consumption from 20% to 80%. 

There are some extreme cases where over-sized actors and actress go on a zero-carb diet to get a faster result and protruding abs for the demand of the script. It is a fact that low-carb diet helps in getting rid of obesity and diabetes to a large extent. In this article, we are going to have a look that what exactly an ideal low-carb diet should consist of and the before and after results of such a diet in most of the cases. 



Before and After Effect of Low Carb Diet


Results Of Low-Carb Diet 



There are many different types of diets available for weight control like high low-carb diet high protein, low-calorie diet, low-fat diet and likewise. If you are wondering which diet is the best for you, the following information will help you.

Low-carb diet has helped people in the following areas –

  • Faster weight loss.
  • Significant control of obesity. 
  • Better blood sugar and insulin level. 
  • Less hunger and less calorie consumption. 
  • Reduction of risk of any a few types of cancer.


Approaches To Low-Carb Diet 



Atkins Diet – It is the most popular low-carb diet which consists of four phases. Induction, balancing fine-tuning and maintenance. Induction phase is all about extremely low carbohydrate and high protein like in boiled egg diet. In the subsequent stages, the consumption of carbohydrate is gradually increased.

Dukan Diet – In this aggressive approach, short-term weight loss gets the priority, and then a long-term balanced diet comes into play when obesity and weight loss have trimmed the body fat.

ITG Diet – This approach is popular among those who have just entered the stage of obesity and sudden weight gain. It is more of a balancing, and fine-tuning approach and the candidates are advised to have a moderate carb and fat diet with high protein diet. 

South Beach Diet – This is a perfect approach to maintaining a body shape for long by choosing the right carbohydrate and fat foods. 


An Example Of Low-Carb Meal 



A candidate on an ideal low-carb diet should start the day will a glass of carrot juice. He can have cage-free eggs and raw whole milk. In the lunch, he can have salmon, mushroom, cabbage, turnips, avocado, onions, beans, cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli, and tomato. Only olive, coconut, walnut, avocado and flaxseed oils are allowed for cooking. Among drinks, one can have green tea, black tea and coffee, herbal tea, and green smoothies. 


How Much Weight Can You Lose?



No-carb diet is a natural way of losing weight and obesity. Hence, you should be patient but you can see a visible change in two weeks time. If you gain weight in two weeks, you need to go for lesser carb diet along with low-fat diet and exercise. But in most cases, people have lost 3 to 9 pounds of weight in just two weeks and it motivated them to go further to get a perfect body shape.


To get the best result, candidates are advised to go for 2-day detox plan initially to get rid of the toxic substances in the body that ma hinder the benefits of the low-carbohydrate diets. It is always better to visit a dietician who can suggest the right low-carb diet for your body type after weighing in various parameters so that there are no health effects and sudden breakdown. 



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