What Are The Health Benefits Of Hot Chocolate?

Hot chocolate is extremely popular among kids and teenagers. It is a perfect drink to boost your mental state instantly. However, there is some section of people who believe hot chocolate is not healthy. The following is the list of the health benefits of hot chocolate that you should know about if you love hot chocolate or you are afraid of having it due to misconception.


Who doesn’t want to have a cup of hot chocolate after a tiring day at work? It instantly refreshes our mood. Hot chocolate actually contains a neurotransmitter called serotonin which works as an anti-depressant and makes you feel good. Consuming hot chocolate also regulates the production of the pleasure hormone, endorphins. So from now on, you might consider having hot chocolate on a regular basis.


Weight Loss

Hot chocolate is made of cocoa without adding any cocoa butter or sugar. So, it contains less amount of calories. It is also beneficial if one mixes cocoa powder with some protein shakes. Cocoa powder is filled with the goodness of fibre and it helps in fat burning. So, having a cup of hot chocolate or mixing cocoa powder with some of the drinks regulates the fat burning metabolism of your body.


Anti-Cancer Agent

It’s actually a very surprising fact that hot chocolate contains an anti-cancer agent. Hot chocolate is rich in flavanols and these are used to treat cancer. These flavanols are enriched with antioxidants. Cocoa also contains procyanidins and it works as chemo-preventive and anti-proliferative agents. These agents are actually used to treat prostate and colorectal cancer.


Triggers Brain Activity

Enriched with flavanols such as epicatechins and catechin, which actually triggers brain activity. These flavanols also improve the blood flow and provide more oxygen to the brain to brace a stunned brain. Consuming hot chocolate also helps to prevent Dementia. It is an ultra-critical condition in which the mental activities are reduced because of the low blood flow to the brain. It’s also a proven fact that having a regular dose of hot chocolate improves learning activities and memory.


Reduces the Risk of Cardiac Diseases

It’s proven that hot chocolate stimulates blood circulation so it prevents many heart disease from taking place. Cocoa is filled with the goodness of polyphenolic compounds such as catechin, epicatechin, procyanidin, and magnesium which are the main agents to keep your heart healthy. It’s interesting to note that polyphenols stop blood clot formation which is the main reason behind critical cardiovascular conditions.


Skin and Dental Care

It’s very interesting to note that hot chocolate prevents skin from sun damage. It is enriched with antioxidants that improve skin health. It deeply nourishes the skin and reduces dry patches and wrinkles. Hot chocolate contains several chemical compounds that prevent teeth from decay and it also reduces the chance of cavities and plaque formation.



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