Personality Traits That Women Crave For In Their Men!

Just like every man wants their woman to be in a certain way having certain qualities, the same is true for women. They look for some personality traits in a person before they give them the space to be more than just a friend. If you are looking to be more than such a friend with any woman of your liking, you need to get into the habits of developing the following personality traits and showcase them when women are around.

Mannerism –

The mannerism reveals how a person is. But it is not the cliched holding the door, paying attention while they are speaking and other such basic etiquettes. If the thoughtful gestures and manners you do that do not follow under practized or pretentious moves.

Improving –

If you are the one who rejects a phone after it is not working well rather than mending it, you are not going to be in women list of favorites. That was an imagery which means you are the type of person who is going to break up the moment things do not go your way rather than trying to adjust and improve.

Timing –

The timing shows that you are a reliable person. Whether it is the time when you should be at a place of meeting to the timing of your jokes, you need to be punctual. You should respect their time and you will get admiration from them. If you are the one for which your group is getting delayed, you are calling for bad impressions. It shows you are passionate and disciplined in your personal life.

Positivity –

Being positive all the time is going to inspiring for everyone. Moreover, it gives you the chance to stand apart from everyone else and all the girls will like your attitude instantly. They love positive vibe and always look for someone who can handle adversity and calm them down. This is a true game changer for all the guys out there.

Dressing –

Just as men look for the outward beauty of a girl, girls love a person who is always groomed and dressed in the best way. There should be a classic feel in your dress which may not be expensive. Simply putting on sunglasses, wearing a bracelet, having classy boots on can make a great impression. Your hairstyle is the first thing that gets noticed and therefore, get it groomed.

Lastly, be friendly and be the leader in your group so that no one makes joke of you in the group when girls are around.



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