9 Amazing Perfume Facts that you Would Never Believe!


A perfume is a mixture of oils, aroma substances and some solvents that are made to provide a pleasant scent to a human body and living spaces.

The word perfume is basically derived from a Latin word called perfume which means to smoke through.

The word fragrance is much more complex that it is thought of. There are many perfumes with many different fragrances. There are many Perfume facts hidden behind these tiny bottles.



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1. Moisturizing yourself:


If you want that your perfume should get diffused well with you then the best way is to apply lotion on your body because perfume gets diffused easily on a moisturized body.






2. It’s not good for hairs:


Many people have a habit of applying perfume to their hairs to smell good but actually, they are damaging their hairs as many perfumes contain alcohol in them.






3. Rubbing of wrists:


Some people have a habit of rubbing their wrist after applying perfume. It’s not good as perfume is basically made of three notes and the top note is very delicate and it easily intersects with your skin making it lose its original oil.






4. Maximize the smell of perfume:


Instead of applying it on your whole body just apply it on your pulse point because these points are close to blood vessels. These points radiate heat and make the fragrance radiate from your skin into the air.






5. A scent can smell different on different people:


A perfume smells differently on different persons the sweat, environment, and diet of different people can change the smell of same perfume.






6. A nose break:


While testing new perfumes avoid trying more than three as they will cause trouble in breathing.






7. Not made with real flowers:


Perfume are demanded in large quantity so the real flowers are replaced with synthetic fragrances because of so less supply of real ones.






8. Some contain animals ingredients:


Many scents include civet which is released from glands of an animal so one should be careful in choosing them.






9. Smell changes due to mood:


Research shows that a happy mood can provide with a better smell than an unhappy one. If you irritated it will smell like citrus.





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