What Are The Most Affected Countries By Covid-19 Virus

Coronavirus is spreading like wildfire across the world and it is leaving its mark in certain countries where damage is devastating. It started with China and now, it has spread in the European countries and the following countries have taken the worst hits.


Coronavirus deaths in Italy elevated from 366 on March 8th to more than 5,400 on March 23rd. Total coronavirus happenings in Italy crossed 69,000, as of March 24th which is greater than 85% in Mainland China. Italy had seen the utmost number of death due to COVID-19.


Hubei is the highly-smitten province within China and Wuhan. Hubei had seen more than 67,000 coronavirus-positive cases and goes along to report the death. The World Health Organization (WHO) formally named the outbreak COVID-19. China had seen 3,000 deaths and around 74% of the world-wide coronavirus happenings as of March 9th.


The first coronavirus instance in the US was validated on January 21st, but the incident arose from the last half of February. Coronavirus status in the US is relentless with the incidents and deaths rising rapidly. The US COVID-19 incidents blew-up to 50,000 on March 24th, as death toll cut through 650.


Spain is presently the second highly-struck European country with coronavirus. The first incident was affirmed on February 1st. The contaminated incidents got-up to more than 39,000 on March 24th.   A crucial sector for Spain tourism is anticipated to face an adverse impact due to the global coronavirus fears.


Coronavirus death-rate in Germany is relatively smaller with 156 deaths as of March 24th. Germany too prohibited public events concerning large gatherings to forbid spread. The Hannover Messe has been held-over due to the coronavirus occurrence status. Coronavirus incidents in Germany have cut- through 32,000.


Many government officials and politicians comprising MP’s in Iran have contracted coronavirus, several of who died. Iran presently has more than 24,000 affirmed happenings and notified more than 1,900 deaths. Corresponding to Mizan news agency Iran proclaimed the impermanent release of close-to 70,000 prisoners among frights of further coronavirus circulation.


France presently has only some bunch with coronavirus. The French government has prohibited public events. France is the fourth highly-struck European nation by the coronavirus. COVID-19 happenings in France have cut-through 20,000 as death toll cut-through 850. The Paris city has notified COVID-19 positive incidents.

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