Things That Will Never Experience Except Another Lockdown!

We are going through a crazy time and it is sure to be once in a lifetime experience. There are so many things we are doing every day that we will not do again once things normalize. Here are some of those unique things we may never repeat in mankind future.

Virtual Concerts

Musicians all-over the universe are setting up music concerts online to amuse fans. Even the daily soap actors are trying all means to entertain fans online. The government has restricted public assemblies since it is risky, and the best way is to keep away by social distancing.


Virtual Wedding 

Some people made weddings happen over video. This is because they had planned them very much before the Coronavirus outbreak. They also didn’t want to delay them any longer for some relevant reasons. The distinctive mean was taken because of the COVID-19 lockdown.


Funerals without loved ones

The government has also imposed certain restrictions on people attending funerals. This is to curb the number of gatherings. There are merely 20% of people permitted to attend funerals of any non-COVID victims. And just about 5% of people can attend funerals of those who’ve died due to Covid-19.


Spit attacks

Many people have been caught breaching the lockdown rules. And many have also spat on police officers. Some people are using spitting as a device to defy arrest, and not guns and bullets. These people who are violating rules have been jailed.


Long queues 

The liquor shops opened-up after a month and a half, as India alleviated out the lockdown rules starting May 4th. Soon the popular went out of control. People queued up outside the liquor stores even hours before they opened. The Delhi Government determined to put 70% extra tax on liquor the following day seeing the current terrible situation.


Earth began to heal

The last and yet most significant thought is that the Earth began to heal because of this epidemic. People are staying inside their homes. The air quality is unbelievably good. Now even the Ganga water has become healthy to drink.


Doctors overworking

The number of people diagnosed with Coronavirus sore and doctors, nurses, health care workers had to overwork. They had worked to an extent leaving their faces severely bruised. They had worked even without apt tools, and end up risking their own lives.


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