The Richest Investors in the World and Their Net Worth



If the investors around the globe have taught us one thing, it is that there is no set path to make money. Each one of these top 10 investors has his/her own marked style. They have relied upon their acumen, information that is collected through exhaustive research and gut feeling (that comes with experience) to gain their fortunes. Most of the investors on this list are self-made billionaires. There is a strong possibility that you could be on this list soon with a bit of brilliance and hard work!



Also Read: Top 20 Successful Entrepreneurs of the World and Their Stories



1. Warren Buffett



Net worth: $73 billion


The Chairman and the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Warren Buffett is the most successful investor in history. He has made his fortune through methodic and scrutinized investments, and continues to do so even today!




2. George Soros



Net worth: $25.2 billion


The Chairman of Soros Fund Management is famously known as the one who broke the Bank of England when he bagged a profit of around $1 billion in one day, in 1992 during the currency crisis of UK, also known as the Black Wednesday.



3. Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal



Net worth: $18.3 billion


The founder & CEO of Kingdom Holding Company, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal was named as the Warren Buffet of Arabia by Times magazine! Having the word Prince in his name makes it all the more likely for his make an appearance in Richest Investors list. Reportedly he was given just $15,000 to start his investment journey, which Talal converted to his fortunes today.




4. Carl Icahn



Net worth: $16.8 billion


Carl is the founder of Icahn Enterprises, a conglomerate, diversified holding company. He is known for his contrarian investing, where he buys companies that no one else is willing to buy. Typically, a company with a low price-to-earnings ratio.




5. Ray Dalio



Net worth: $16.8 billion


Ray heads Bridgewater Associates, which is the biggest hedge fund company in the entire world with as estimated valuation of $160 billion. Ray had his first taste of success in trading when he was just 12 with a tripled $300 on Northeast Airlines. He believes in having uncorrelated investments for reducing risks.




6. James Simons



Net worth: $16.5 billion


James has a Ph.D. from the University of California Berkeley & is a math genius. He has also worked for the US government as a code breaker during the Vietnam war.Later he founded the Renaissance Technologies, a firm that manages investments. The company made use of highly complex mathematical models to return about 35% of the investments for the next 20 years!




7. Abigail Johnson



Net worth: $14.1 billion


Abigail inherited her grandfather's investment firm & is the CEO of Fidelity Investments, in which her share is 24%. Fidelity Investments was founded by Edward C. Johnson II in the year 1946. This makes her the richest woman in the area of finances, ever.




8. Ronald Perelman



Net worth: $12.5 billion


Ronald was introduced to finance at an early age & by the time he was 11, he attended board meetings at the American Paper Products Corporation. He now heads the MacAndrews & Forbes Incorporated company and has had investments in various avenues like groceries, cigars, cars, photography etc.




9. Andrew Beal



Net worth: $10.4 billion


He has made his fortunes through the banking and real estate industries. Andrew is the founder of Beal Bank located at Michigan. Andrew fairs at no. 9 in the Richest investors list mainly due to his quick thinking during the financial crisis. 




10.  John Paulson



Net worth: $7.9 billion


Paulson heads the Paulson & Co. investment management firm that was established in 1994. Paulson is also a contrarian investor that finds business opportunities that aren't apparent to the rest of the market & bets big on them. This has earned his company  $15 billion and has made personal gains of $4 billion and $4.9 billion in 2007 & 2010 respectively.



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