List Of Uninhabited Islands Around The World

With the exponential rise in the human population, you would expect human beings to acquire more and more lands around the world. On the contrary, there is a long list of uninhabited islands across the globe that are yet to be habituated or are abandoned for certain reasons. Some of them are striking beautiful and serve as the favorite place for movie crew to do their shooting while others are completely barren and unsuitable for living. A few of these islands do see occasional tourists camps and draw the attention of the categories of people like militaries and a handful of them are privately owned by business tycoons. Here are the top fifteen uninhabited islands in the world you need to know about.




Check Out The List Of Uninhabited Islands 


1. Devon Island, Canada



It is the largest uninhabited island in the world. It is as large as Croatia. It most comprises of mountains ranges like Cunningham Mountains, Haddington Mountain Range, and the Treuter Mountains. It was previously a habitable island but the climatic condition got worse for survival as the winds became rough and temperature became colder. One can find the remains and ruins of the building from the past. There is also a research station and it is used by NASA to stimulate the MARS-like environment for research purpose.


Area: 55,247

Number Of Islands: Single



2. Ball’s Pyramid Island, Australia



It is one of the most spectacular things on Earth to watch. It has a remnant of a volcanic rock and has a height of above 550 meters. It stretches over 300 meters and is one the empty islands in the world. It gets occasional climbers from different parts of the world who climb the rock for sports. Due to its rocky nature and the surrounding Pacific Ocean, it is not suitable for human settlement. But scientists have discovered different insects in this islands which were thought to have extinct.


Area: 3

Number Of Islands: Single



3. Rock Islands, Palau



It is a collection of nearly 300 small to medium-sized islands formed due to coral reed. Most of them are unpopulated and they are the homes of Jellyfishes of various kinds and colors. It is a World Heritage Site. The average area of the islands is around 50 square kilometers and Ngeruktabel is the largest uninhabited island.


Area: 41.2

Number Of Islands: 250-300



4. Mamanuca Islands, Fiji



It is a collection of 20 islands and is one of the most beautiful places to be in. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations and there are different beaches where tourists get to see high tides of Pacific Ocean. It is also one of the favorite shooting spots as well as one of the best honeymoon destinations in the world. Some of them are completely empty islands.


Area: Over 35 collectively.

Number Of Islands: 20



5. Aldabra Islands, Seychelles



Aldabra is considered to be the second largest coral atoll. It is situated in the Indian Ocean. The group of islands is completely uninhabited but it is acting as a natural reserve for tortoises, crabs and other creatures who can survive in rough weather conditions. It is completely untouched by human beings till date.


Area: 155.4

Number Of Islands: 44



6. The Phoenix Islands, US



The Phoenix Islands are quite popular for its rich collection of different species and fishes. It is, in fact, the largest protected area in the world. There are over 500 different categories of fishes and over 100 species of corals are available. Apart of that, there are different categories of birds, lizards, rats, and crabs are present.


Area: 28

Number Of Islands: 10



7. Jaco Island, East Timor



The reason why it is uninhabited is because it is considered to be too sacred for the human population. Tourists are allowed to camp on the island and a few wildlife animals can be spotted. It is completely surrounded by coral reefs and peculiar limestone cliffs.


Area: 11

Number Of Islands: Single



8. Okunoshima Island, Japan



It is the most infamous island on the list because it was used during the Second World War for manufacturing chemicals. No one dares to go near it because of the fear of chemical mutation. Only a few rabbits and test animals run wild in the place which is subject of scientific experimentations.


Area: 0.7

Number Of Islands: Single



9. Palmyra Atoll, Hawaii



This is the collection of the popular uninhabited Hawaiian Islands. The reason for its lack of human touch is because it is quite isolated and some scientific explorations are conducted rarely. There are many ruins of Second World War aircraft are found. But its popularity is because of its wildlife and marine beauty. These uninhabited Hawaiian Islands have been in the news quite a few times where dead bodies of recognized wealthy men and treasures of shipwrecks were discovered.


Area: 12

Number Of Islands: 3 Islands and 50 Islets



10. Clipperton Island, France



It is one of the smallest and completely vacant islands in the world with merely six square kilometers of area. It is mostly surrounded by acidic water bodies and there is hardly any flora and fauna except a few species of crabs.


Area: 6 

Number Of Islands: Single



11. Mu Ko Ang Thong, Thailand



It is a collection of over 40 different islands in the Gulf of Thailand. Mu Ko Ang Thong National Park is famous worldwide. Most of the islands have limestone cover. There are tropical forests and rock cliffs with peculiar formations and blue ranging sea. Most of them are underdeveloped and unpopulated islands.


Area: 102

Number Of Islands: 42



12. Maldives Desert Islands, Maldives



There are over one thousand of coral islands in Maldives. Out of which merely 200 are inhabited rest are either deserted islands or unpopulated islands. They are the reason why Maldives is one of the favorite destinations of tourists across the world. Some of these islands are now being used to construction resorts for tourists.


Area: 900

Number Of Islands: 1190



 13. Cocos Island, Costa Rica



It is an unpopulated island and is located in the Pacific Ocean. It is considered to be the best destination for scuba driving. There are several species of dolphins, sharks and other marine creatures are present. It is more of a jungle-covered island. It is said that there are several hidden treasures in the island that attract a lot of explorers.


Area: 23.85

Number Of Islands: Single



14. Auckland Islands, New Zealand



This is a collection of many rough islands where there used to be settlements in the past. Explorers have discovered shipwrecks, graveyards and other evidence that show it used to be a better place in the past. There is biodiversity everywhere with different species of plants, invertebrates, marine creatures, fauna and birds are spread all across the islands.


Area: 625

Number Of Islands: 8



15. Tetepare Island, Solomon Islands



It is one of the largest deserted islands on the list. It is situated in the South Pacific and covers over 120 square kilometers. A rather small group of people used to live on the island with the life support for rainforest and feeding on the flesh of creatures available there. But the rough weather forced them to abandon the place.


Area: 118

Number Of Islands: Single



There you have the list of islands that are currently uninhabited and if you want to choose destinations for adventure and unique experiences, you should definitely visit some of the above islands that allow tourist to camp and experience a different environment and exquisite beauty.



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