Best Tools to Improve your Writing Skills

Have you ever come across some nice blogs? You are attracted to keep reading, and you keep checking for new updates. Well, such blogs are written by creative bloggers who have the passion and dedicate time to what they do. So, if you want to become a blogger or writer, you must create useful, engaging, and easy-to-understand content. But how do you ensure your content stays unique from others? Read below to know the tools you can use to create catchy content. However, you can also hire professional writers from  – these people can help you with any paper you want written.


  • Capitalize My Title 

The first thing a reader sees when reading your content is the title. The title can make the reader read on or search for another presentable site. Capitalize my title tool will guide you on how your title should be. When you have a title for the content, copy and paste the title on the tool, and it will automatically modify your title. Take advantage and produce the best titles for your blogs using Capitalize my Title for free. 

  • Grammarly

Great content is the one that has no typos, grammatical errors, and plagiarism.  Download the Grammarly tool and add it to the extension of your browser. After you have finished writing your content, you can check all the typos and mistakes that passed your eyes while proofreading. The best part is that Grammarly will help you check for plagiarism by detecting any matching content from your blog with other online content. 

  • Hemingway

Writing is simple, but proofreading and editing are where the real task is.  You need to publish an article or a blog that is error-free and easy to read. Once you have finished your writing, pass your content through the Hemingway tool. It will highlight the complicated sentences that are hard to understand. At will as well highlight some typos and grammatical errors. 

  • Writefull

Writefull is a simple tool yet helpful. You will have all the confidence when writing because the tool gives you feedback on how your content is by checking its effectiveness and correcting the language used. The advantage of Writefull is that you can use it from the browser or MS word.

  • Butterick’s Practical Typography 

If you find it hard to format and style your written content, then you need Butterick’s Practical Typography. The tool will let you know how to arrange your sentences for easy reading and how many characters each line in the paragraphs should have. Make use of this free tool to improve your content.

  • Flowstate

You will be surprised at what Flowstate can do. Well, the reality is that it deletes everything the moment you stop typing. Sounds awkward, right? Well, the app is meant for Mac users. The main purpose of Flowstate is to help you focus on writing and avoid unnecessary procrastination. After all, who wants to keep on writing content as it disappears without any traces? Well, no one actually. If you are the type that gets easily distracted while writing, use the Flowstate app, and you are sorted.


Writing is an art, but creating amazing content is the real talent. Do you want to become the next big blogger? Are you struggling to create good content without success? Well, worry no more. Use the above tools to craft your ideas into content, and everything will take a new dimension.

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