Here’s how to write Hello World in different programming languages


The 'Hello world' program is the very first bit of code that we learn at school. All it does is brings up the words "Hellow world" on the display. As simple as it may look, it can be used at advanced levels as a preliminary check-up routines, compare syntax differences between programming languages and so on. We have given instances and illustrations of the program in different languages. Check them out below, here's how to write hello world in different programming languages. 



Hello World in different programming languages


1. Bash



Bash or the Bourne-Again Shell is a Unix-based shell and command programming language developed by Brian Fox as a replacement for the Bourne shell. It is widely known to be the default login shell for Apple's MacOS.






It is an acronym for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz of Dartmouth college to enable students from other than science and maths to make custom software.



3. C



Developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs C is the most widely used computer programming language.


4. C++



C++ is a developed version of C, where performance oriented tasks are required to be done. It has slightly higher efficiency and flexibility in comparison with C.



5. C#



Pronounced as 'see sharp', C# is an object-oriented programming language developed by the team led by Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft. Its main purpose was to further the cause of common language infrastructure. 



6. Clipper



An xBase compiler, Clipper was developed by Nantucket Corporation. Its primary purpose was to create software that worked under MS-DOS.



7. CoffeScript



This is a programming language used to transcompile to JavaScript. It can enhance JavaScript's brevity by taking syntactic features of Python, Ruby, and Haskell.



8. Delphi



Delphi, which is short for Embarcadero Delphi is an SDK (Software Development Kit) made for the development of desktop, mobile, web and console applications. Delphi is used to create native code for platforms such as windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS.






The Hyper Text Markup Language is used to create web pages or web applications. Along with JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), HTML forms the basis of the World Wide Web (www).



10. Java



Java is a class-based, object-oriented computer programming language that supports the write once, run anywhere (WORA) principle, where a programmer can write a program once and run it on any other machine that supports java hassle-free.



11. JavaScript



JS or JavaScript is a runtime language that is used by almost all the web pages in the world. This along with CSS and HTML form the cornerstone of the World Wide Web.



12. jQuery



jQuery is just a JavaScript library designed primarily to simplify client-side HTML scripting. statistics say that it is the most widely used JS library.



13. Julia



This is a programming language that is used for high-performance numerical analysis and computation sciences.



14. Logo



Developed by Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon, Logo is an educational programming language that is based on graphics and logic.



15. MatLab



MATrix LABoratory or in short MatLab is a numerical computing environment and programming language that allows plotting of functions, data, and other numerical computations.



16. Objective-C



It is an object-oriented programming language that adds a SmallTalk-like messaging system to C. Before the introduction of Swift, it was used by Apple for the OS X and iOS operating systems.



17. Pascal



Developed by Niklaus Wirth, it is a procedural programming language that focuses on creating well-structured sets of code and data.



18. Perl 5



Perl is a set of dynamic programming languages inclusive of Perl 5 and Perl 6. It gained popularity as a CGI scripting software soon after its introduction in the 1990s.



19. PHP



A language that can also be used for general purpose programming, PHP is mainly used as a server-side scripting language. 



20. Processing



PHP is a programming language and an IDE, an open source one, that is mainly used to teach the basics of computer programming in a visual context.



21. Python



Created by Guido van Rossum Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that can express concepts in fewer lines that its other programming language counterparts.



22. R



It is an open source language that is mainly used for development of statistical software and data analysis.



23. Ruby



Ruby is a dynamic, general-purpose programming language inspired by Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp, as told by its creator  Yukihiro Matsumoto.



24. Swift



Developed by Apple for the iOS, MacOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux as a replacement for Objective-C. It is more concise and resilient to erroneous code than its replacee.



25. VBScript



VBScript is a scripting language developed by Microsoft, allowing system administrators to better manage the computers.



26. Visual Basic .NET



VB .NET is a successor to VB. Released by Microsoft, that is implemented on the .NET Framework.



27. XSLT



Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations, abbreviated to XSLT is a language used to transform XML docs to other XML docs or other formats such as HTML or plain text which are subsequently converted to formats like PDF or PostScript.



28. Backbone.js



It is a JavaScript framework, with a JSON interface. It is known for being lightweight and that its only hard dependency is, on the Java library.


So that's how to write hello world in different programming languages. Like our post? Leave a comment or reaction below.



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