Creepy Incidents That Are Actually True

There are so many creepy stories we hear from elderly people. We always wonder whether they are real or just a fragment of imagination. There is no doubt that some of them are false rumors and stories. However, today, we are listing down the creepy incidents that are actually true and happened in real life.

Ghost Duo

60-year-old Soong got up a rock wall through his hike and mislaid his glasses in the course which mislead him. He took shelter in a cave but soon left thinking of a plan to rescue. Soong said he met a ghost couple outer of the cave and that they stride with him for two hours.


A woman from Xi’an China was trapped in an elevator in January 2016 when repairmen close it off and allow it to rest. Sadly the men came back after a month and saw the decaying leftovers of the woman indoor with her hands disfigured while escaping. The victim may have been psychologically unstable and she was known by her last name, Wu. Her family did not write up on her vanishing.

Drawn Into A Grave

On December 19th, 2016 in the Long island cemetery, a 64-year-old Joanne Cullen dotted a bent-out-of-shape bow on the garland. The ground underneath her paved way for her feet and she got under the grave straight to her hips. However, she could crawl out of the grave & left the cemetery instantly and turn down going back. Cullen also took the assistance of a lawyer to sue the landowner of the cemetery.

Satanic Fright

In November 2019, there was the killing of a sheep in the New Forest in Hampshire. There were pentacles on the sheep corpse, an inverted cross and number 666 on it. Moreover in Bramshaw and Linwood were discovered a heifer and two claves with twinge lesion. Inhabitants are very worried by the incident and want police to take the culprit of the “satanic graffiti crime” to book.

Warning Memo

Amy Jones in December 2014 discovered a frightening note when she was staying in an Edinburgh hotel that stated: “Don’t open the locked door”. Rather than freaking out, Jones clicked a picture of the note and uploaded it on Twitter. The following morning she let her followers know that she didn’t hear any sigh from the door and she’s very much alive.


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