Amazing Buttermilk Benefits Make It The Best Homemade Drink Ever


Buttermilk is super easy to prepare at home and anybody can do it. But what most people do not know is its wide range of benefits. After reading the awesome buttermilk benefits, you would not be able to resist yourself having a glass of buttermilk every day. It has soothing effects on your stomach, skin, solves indigestion and constipation problems and much more.



How To Make Buttermilk At Home?



It takes a maximum of 10 times to prepare a glass of buttermilk. You will need a tablespoon of freshly cut lemon juice. You can also use white vinegar. The main ingredient is 1 cup of milk of your choice. 

Step 1 – Take a bowl and pour the milk in it.

Step 2 – Add the teaspoon of fresh lemon juice or white vinegar in it. 

Step 3 – Stir in for at least 5 minutes for the milk to become acidic. 

Step 4- Some people also add jeera, kadi patta, ginger and salt as per requirement to get the best benefits. 

Then you can add crushed cashews and almonds or even herbs and dried fruits and have it. 



When To Drink Buttermilk?




Since it is a little acidic, you should not drink it anytime and all the time. Avoid drinking it after having your meal or after eating fruits. Buttermilk in empty stomach works the best to heal digestion and constipation problems. You can also have it once you start feeling indigestion problem are upcoming. Buttermilk at night especially when going to bed is also ideal has it has to sooth your stomach while you are sleeping. 



Know These Amazing Buttermilk Benefits




Buttermilk Benefits For Diabetes




Doctors recommend buttermilk for diabetic patients. They can replace tea and coffee with it. The lactic acid present in it activates the pancreas and more insulin to secreted naturally. It helps in bringing down blood sugar level significantly over a few months.


Buttermilk Benefits For Weight Loss




Buttermilk is highly useful for losing weight without exercise. Every time you have oily food during occasions and visiting relatives' houses, you should have buttermilk to cleanse the fatty and oily substance from your stomach and prevent the formation of fat. Over the long run, you will lose your fat significantly. So buttermilk diet is very effective in losing weight. 




Buttermilk Benefits For Skin




Buttermilk is a boon for human skin. It is extensively used in cosmetic industry for producing beauty products. You can prepare a facial mask and it would soften your skin, brighten it and give you a young look. It also removes dark spots and wrinkles. 


Buttermilk Benefits For Stomach




Buttermilk is an easy and fast home remedy for people suffering from indigestion. It also helps to normalize constipation if taken on empty stomach and before going to bed. It calms the linings of the stomach by absorbing spices and oily products.



Additional Benefits of Buttermilk




It helps to keep cholesterol levels under check. It fights acidity and increases immunity with the antibacterial and anticancer property. It also lowers blood pressure. It helps to restore bone density and calcium deficiency as milk contains calcium. 



Apart from all these, it all contains potassium, protein, and vitamins all of which are necessary for your body. therefore make a habit of drinking buttermilk once a day and stay fit and fresh all the time. 



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